Derek the Bully

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A/n:  OOOOH! My first A/n! Hiii! This is the first book i've ever published- please like, comment, and vote. And please give me support!!! I hope you enjoy it!

I swerved, I ducked, I dodged, and I scoreddddd! I felt the warm hugs from my team as we celebrated once more my amazing football skills and another goal! TING! TING! Oh finally, football club was over! I slowly walked to the changing rooms with my two best friends, sweat dripping off our foreheads, our hand sweaty, when all of a sudden...... BANG!

 I fell flat on my face in the dripping mud. Feeling light-headed, I tried to sit up and look around for the source. My vision was slightly blurred but I could still see the outline of Derek, the bully, along with his gang, all sneering at me and laughing. I watched as Derek brought his foot back in- he had tripped me up purposely. Something tricked down my cheek, and I wasn't sure whether it was blood, sweat or tears; or even mud.

"Awwww, little baby nunu wunu is crying.... Are you gonna call your mummy on your teeny weeny little brick?" I heard laughter from the gang as Derek (once again) teased me about having a brick phone. UGH!

"Just shove off Derek," I replied, giving him the dirtiest look I could manage in my state at that moment. My blonde hair was dripping with oozing black mud. Yuck.

" wish, good luck tryna get yourself up, your little... I mean BIG fat body might be too much for you to manage. Aww ok, just for today, seeing as you're too weak to fight me anyways!" he sneered irritatingly. I'm not exactly fat. Not really. Just a bit round in the face. Actually, I'm round all over, with chubby legs and chubby cheeks. Who am I kidding? Of course I'm fat. I couldn't stop myself from going red.


"What's going on here?!". Before I could say anything stupid, a deep voice from behind us caught our attention. We all turned our heads to see Mr Hopgood, our foolish old head teacher. No-one likes him, except the usual goody goodies who suck up to all teachers.

"Oh, we've just finished Football club, sir," one of the gang's members replied. 

"Ok, but... why is Nour laying in the mud like that? And.... is that blood?!" Haha, he had caught them now, there was no escaping out of this one.

"Oh no, sir. Nour tripped and fell and we were just trying to help her get back up," he sounded so innocent, so annoyingly innocent, and dumb Mr Hopgood actually believed him!

"Oh alright then, but hurry up, and Nour, get yourself cleaned up, then all of you head back home." he sighed, and then he walked back towards the school gates, without a backwards glance. 'C'mon guys, my mum baked some chocolate chip cookies for us. Who's down?!" Derek smugly exclaimed. The boys all cheered; stupid boys and their food.Grinning, the gang turned and followed Mr Hopgood and turned into the changing rooms, leaving me behind in the dirt.


After half an hour, when I had cleaned myself up and changed my clothes, I ran all the way home, slamming the door behind me. Absolutely worn-out, I dragged my poor feet up the spiral staircase and slumped into my warm, bouncy bed, feeling gloomy, feeling bullied.

FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT. That word echoed inside my head continuously. It's so unfair! My best friend (Ji-Na) is so much thinner than I am. So is my mum. What's just depressing is the fact that I would nibble on a tiny chocolate bar but still blow up so I give up and stuff the whole bar into my mouth. I can eat several whole plates of food - heaps - and I'd grow as big and round as a balloon! Mum- however, would stuff her face with mars bars and salt and vinegar crisps but stay as thin as a pin! Unbelievable, right?

Same with Ji-Na - I reckon she can be a model, she thinks she's too fat. I'd tell her to look at me, to compare my fatness to her fatness. "Oh, Nour, you're not fat, silly." she'd say. " Look me in the eye and tell me I'm not fat," I said. She couldn't, see? I really am fat. I'm as plump as a partridge.

Sigh. But then I thought 'Positive thoughts', and remembered the excellent goal I scored! A few minutes later, I started feeling drowsy and eventually I dozed off. 

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