I slapped the bully, so what?

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A/n: hi guys, third chapter, really hope u enjoy!!!

The next morning was a school morning, meaning that I had to wake up at 6 AM. I was incredibly tired, after staying up extremely late and experimenting with my fantastic phone. All my friends were going to be soo jealous!

Eventually, I left the world of warmth and happiness and got out of bed. Whilst changing into my hideous school uniform, I imagined the reactions of all my friends, all the bullies who teased me for having a 'teeny weeny little brick', and how they'll be soo shocked! Oh, I just remembered! It was a school field trip! To Biligian forest. Well, maybe I wouldn't be able to show off my phone as much today, but most people will see it! I kissed my parents goodbye, then left the house. Since my school (Hillier Green High School) is 5 minutes away, I decided to walk it. At 8:45, our class set off, my partner being my best friend, and we arrived half an hour later at Biligian forest. We gaped and stared in awe at the wonders of the forest. Me and my partner wandered in alone.

When we were strolling through the emerald Biligian forest, behind Jade park, we noticed the white cotton ball, striding, wavering in the gleaming, bright sky. The scream of their song pierces our skin, the graceful birds called once again as the white cloud soars higher above.

We stared in awe, in wonder, at the beauty of nature, watching the dandelions dance in the current, twirling, making me feel elated. We had never seen a more beautiful flower, such an elegant, euphoric type, as beautiful as the sun setting, the golden shine. We felt as if the sun itself was dancing right before our eyes. We gazed, embracing the natural sound of the world, the Earth's living inhabitants responding to my inner peace.

An enchanted fragrant cascaded into my nostrils, the minty, fresh air greeting me with a warm welcome. Remembering the magnificent cloud, my head shot up and I looked upwards, the cloud was slowly drifting away, behind the golden ball of glitter, vanishing into the phantoms of the pure air, and alone we stood, exploring the new wonders of nature.

"Ji-na! Nour! Come on we're about to get on the coach! Hurry!" Our Form Tutor yelled out to us and we left the forest in a rush. On the coach, I showed and boasted about my new phone to Ji-na, and she was so surprised! We talked and laughed all the way back, playing games and making jokes. Half an hour later, we once again arrived at the school, the dark clouds floating above us, the tall building looming over us.

"Oh look who it is!" said a cold, familiar voice from behind us. I turned around, to see Derek and his gang all huddled up together, ready to tease me again. But this time, I was ready.

"Hi Derek," I replied, a small smile creeping onto my face.

"What's so funny? Your brick tell you a joke?" Derek sneered, and he and his mates all snickered.

My smile slipped off my face.

"You know what Derek, if had enough of you and your STUPID cronies following me around everywhere and bullying me all the time. I'm sick of it! Of you! Leave me alone for God's sake!"

And with that I slapped him hard across his face, the force of it causing him to stagger back and look up at me in shock. I looked around me. The other idiots stepped back, eyes wide with fear and I stifled a laugh at the scene before me.

"And to answer your question Derek-" I spat his name," nothing, no, it was my Samsung Galaxy S8 edge actually, I and Ji-Na were just admiring it!" I told him.

"Samsung gala- what? You aRe crazy. Having those dreams and wishes again are we?" He really didn't believe me! I narrowed my eyes and took a step forward, while he stepped back hastily, his hand unconsciously going to his cheek. The other boys started laughing quietly. Wow, Derek has great friends!

I looked back at Ji-na, laughing in disbelief at the scene before her. I brought out my baby blue Samsung from my blazer pocket and waved it in his face.

"Yeah what?" I said, glancing at the boys' faces. Their laughter died down instantly. A look of astonishment crept up onto each and every one of their faces and I struggled to keep my laughter inside.

I turned the recording off, and turned back to the dumbstruck bullies!

"So...what were you saying?" I asked them, Ji-Na snickering in delight.

"Erm, nice phone! We'd better be off now! BYE!" Derek and his cronies were practically crying as they sped off, as fast as the wind. My silky hair and Ji-Na's wavy short hair swished in the wind and me and Ji-Na sat on the school's grass, listening to the recording and dying of laughter until we got stitches and had to stop.

"Oh my GOD, Nour, you really did practice that convo in your head before didn't you?" Ji-Na laughed.

"Yea, they won't come anywhere near me anymore! Not after that embarrassment!" I proudly exclaimed, looking around, seeing the multiple people who had videod the chaos around us.

Since I and Ji-Na were neighbors, we both walked home together and hugged at my door.

"See ya bestie!" Ji-Na exclaimed.

"Byeeeeeee bestie!" I yelled back.

Oh, God, having a phone was soo much fun! After 3 hours of solid school work, I decided to have a half an hour break before my bedtime. I jumped onto my bed and switched on my phone. I texted Ji-Na, texted Rose(another friend), and texted on the class group chat. All of a sudden, a message popped up on my screen asking:


Click here to download the app: THE REBIRTH OF THE DEAD

It sounded perfectly harmless, very cool, and new, so - curiously - I clicked on the link and downloaded the app. Little did I know that this app would bring chaos to my life and the people I loved. 

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