Master of the Dead

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A/n: Bonjour! Ola! Hallo! Hola! Nǐn hǎo! Assalamu Alaikum!

What's your favourite colour?

Mine is either bright red or baby blue.


I tried to scream but I couldn't - and I didn't want to get into trouble for leaving the tent at this time. So instead, I ran. Deeper into the forest I trudged, looking back behind me every now and then. Once I had completely emptied my lungs, I paused, trying to regain my energy and oxygen!

Once again, my phone started vibrating and flashing. It was ' The rebirth of the dead 'again. That app struck me as quite strange. I clicked on it and an arrow led me to a text message- from the creator. Who? I don't know!

It said:  Dear the lucky Master of The Dead,

They won't hurt you. They are your own army to keep. But beware, they are returned members of the dead, they can vanish and reappear at your will and your will only!

 Keep your phone with you at all times, if it falls into the wrong hands, you will no longer have control. Download anti-virus apps to prevent something from taking it over. The members of this army can teleport, vanish and reappear( like I said) and do a few tricks- but you'll discover that later. Keep the leader of the army with you at all times, invisible or shown, she is there to protect you always. Enjoy.

Ok. Ok. Ok? 

Jee, this was new. I had an army? Of my own? I thought the app meant a game- not reality! Then again, it would be nice to have my OWN army, then I can get my REAL revenge on Derek. I see.

Ok. I slowly started to walk back towards the way I came from. Cautiously, I stood in front of the graveyard gates and said out loud to nobody: ' I'm here, now where are you?'

No answer

'Hellooo, come out come out wherever you are!'

Still no answer

'Just come out will ya?!' I yelled infuriated. Was this all some sort of prank?

Just as I had turned around and was about to head back to the tents, a sound interrupted me.

' We are the dead. Short days ago. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow.' I spun around to face a few sick-looking people emerging from the underground. My eyes widened at the sight, and I incredulously looked from them to the ground. They groped at the sides of their graveyard holes, hoisting themselves up onto solid ground.


' We are the dead. Short days ago. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow.'

Isn't that from a war poem- in a flock's field or something?

' We are the dead. Short days ago. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow.' More people were emerging from...well...the dead! They were all chanting these lines, growing louder and louder every second.

' We are the dead. Short days ago. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow.'

'OK!OK! YES, I GET IT. NOW SHUT UP!!!' I yelled, and- to my surprise- they all fell silent.

A young-looking woman stepped forwards and said: 'We are under your command, mistress. We shall obey you and only you 'till the day we die-'

'Uhh, well that's stupid, you already died' I stared dumbly.

'-Again, till the end of your existence,' she finished, looking at me expectantly and in some sort of annoyance.

OK! Ok then!

'Uh, hi! I'm Nour, and I have a question. Are you their leader?' I asked the young lady.

She nodded silently.

'Any orders M'lady?'

'Order number one- DON'T call me M'lady. Ew' i shuddered in disgust. Yep, I know I'm dramatic!

'Yes, M'- I mean Nour.' She hastily corrected it after being sent a death glare.

I thought for a moment

'If I need your help, how do I contact you?'

She beamed at me: 'Through Mind link.'

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