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Recap: Anyway I went over their and started playing around with the keys. Then someone sat beside me and stared playing. I looked up to see...... Daniel smiling at me. Then I looked around at the sudden silence to see Jack behind Daniel and the others beside Jack. At this point I was blushing and looked down to hide it. The boys just chuckled. Which made me blush harder. 

Jack: Can you look up at me a moment. 

I looked up with the reddest face I've ever had. 

Jack: See it's not that hard. You have the cutest blush anyway. 

I again looked down trying to hide my blush when someone picked up my chin. It was Daniel.

Daniel: Now see that's better. I wanna see that pretty face and blush you have. I just looked in his eyes. Then our eyes locked. I zoned out and ended daydreaming this happened often so when I came back the boys were all staring at me. Then I just turned as red as a tomato because they all saw me staring. I was shy but had to hide it so people wouldn't know. Well guess that's out the window because the boys know. They all saw me that red. I couldn't help it though because in school I would day dream about becoming a famous musician like them. I've dreamed such a big pile it seems like heaven. I just hope they will come true. Anyway, when I stood up Daniel grabbed my wrist but not in a harsh hurtful way but a kind gentle way. 

Daniel: Have you ever played?

Me: No but I do wish I could. 

Daniel: You wanna learn?

Me: I would love too but not at this time. I mean I just don't want to see you guys hurt. 

Daniel: How would we get hurt?

Me: Well in this situation just looking at someone wrong could get you killed. 

Daniel then pulled back down to the seat. 

Daniel: Please just stay and learn. 

Then he brought out his blue puppy dog eyes. 

Me: I'm sorry but those don't work. Then I saw all the other boys doing the same thing. 

Me: Oh, noo! Guys you can't be serious! You all look so sad with those puppy dog eyes. No! I won't give in to your cute little faces. 

Then they all look at me with more sad faces. 

Me: * sigh * Fine but I will take the fall if something bad happens. 

The Boys: Alright. 

Daniel just smiled his cute gap tooth smile. I swear Imma die. So me and the boys sat there as Daniel tried to teach me the piano. After playing a little I took a break as Daniel played on. I took out my phone that I hid and thought for a moment. I think I'm falling for these boys. They're so cute and kind. Of course nothing new to me but it's like more on a more personal level. If that makes sense. ( Back to the book. ) 

Me: Hey boys can you come here. 

Jack: Sure we'll be there in a minute. 

After a minute they all came to me. I then showed them my phone. They were all shocked and happy. 

Me: Is there anyone you want to call right now?

Jack: Can I call my mom?

Me: Yes, just be quiet. You guys, all of you can call anyone just be quiet and don't get caught. 

I gave Jack the phone and he called his mom. I went over away from Jack so he could have his privacy. I didn't want to seem like I'm intruding or eavesdrop. I think the other boys thought the same thing because they followed. I went to the couch and sat down. Then Daniel sat right to my left and Zach sat on my right. I looked at them with a questioning look and Daniel just smiled and put his arm across the back of the couch and around my shoulder. I just smiled and blushed. Zach just put his hands in mine and laid back on the couch. Jack came back 5 minutes later and handed the phone to me with tears coming down his face. I take the phone let it slip out of my fingers onto the couch and hug Jack. He just hugs me back. 

Zach: Can I call my mom?

Me: Yes anything for you guys. 

Zach: Awe! 

So Zach gets my phone and goes another direction. I finally get Jack on the couch when Zach returns. 

Jonah: I'm going to call my dad okay?

Me: Yeah go ahead. 

So Jonah leaves and we just sit there in silence. Until Daniel starts a conversation. 

Daniel: So what do you want to be when you grow up?

Me: If I tell you please don't get the wrong message. 

Daniel: Okay?

Me: I wanted to be a musician when I grow up. 

The Boys: ...... ( except Jonah )

I got really nervous because I remember them saying an interview about musicians. Like they gave great advice. But I don't want them to think that I'm just going to use them  to get up in the social class then leave them. I'm not like that but again they don't know that much again. I just stared at the ground thinking about what they are going to say. 

Daniel: That's great why would you get so nervous. Plus why would we take that the wrong way. 

Me: In an interview you guys talked about musicians and great advice except when you said that you don't want to trust them at first. I totally get it because you don't know that person's intentions at first. I just didn't want you guys thinking that I was going to use you to become famous then never talk to you again. I'm not like that but you guys don't know me that well. 

Daniel: Well in my opinion I would love to know you better. 

Then Jonah walks in. He isn't crying but looks crushed. He gives me my phone which I hand to Corbyn knowing he wants to call someone. 

Me: Here Corbyn go make your phone call then I'll give it to Daniel.

Corbyn: Thank you. 

Corbyn walks out and we just talk little more. 

Daniel: Hwy Jonah can you believe Mary wants to be a musician when she grows up. 

Jonah: No way that's cool. 

Me: Actually I wanted to be exactly like you guys. Like you have everything that I've dreamed of. I just hope I can live up to it like you guys do. 

Zach: What's one thing you would do if you became a msuician?

Me: If I'm being honest I would want to do a collab with you guys. 

The boys look at me in shock. I just smile. Then Corbyn walks in. He gives me the phone which I pass to Daniel. 

Me: Here go do your phone call but be careful. Daniel walks out and I just sit there in silence but a comforting silence. Daniel walks back in like 10 minutes later and I take the phone. I look at the time to see it's 4 am in the morning. No wonder I'm so tired. I tried to not show it but pretty soon I yawned and my eyes started watering. The boys thought I was crying but I explained to them what was really going on. 

Me: Do you guys have any blankets or anything?

Zach: I think we have some here but only because we go to sleep everywhere we are. 

I just laughed at that. I remember watching videos on them falling asleep on stage or on set. 

Me: I suggest we get some sleep because I don't think we're going anywhere soon.

The Boys: Okay. I took some blankets and scattered them around the room for the boys. The boys got in bed and I decided to keep watch. I know stupid idea because I was tired but they needed the rest more than me. So I just plugged my phone in it's charger and thought as everyone else went to sleep. I stayed in a corner as I watched them all sleep. I'm not a creep but the boys looked so cute sleeping. Even in this situation I can find something positive. 

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