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Zach's P.O.V.

We all didn't want to leave Mary but it was for the best for us all. Daniel was taking it pretty hard. But we would rescue her soon. Or so I thought. Brad brought us to the same black van and took us to the trade spot. Except he left right after. He left the 2 in command in charge. Then left. The plan fell into motion and we were traded for 1 million dollars. Then the police tricked the 2 in command as well as the followers and they all got arrested. But Brad got away. We told the police everything then said we need to rescue Mary. The police looked confused as if she was invisible. We told them her part in the whole kidnap and hostage story then told them that we had to leave her. They went to work right away learning anything they could on Mary but the problem was we didn't know her last name and there was more than one Mary at the concert. Finally we found out her last name out by picture. She had a picture with her in a meadow with a sunflower in her long brownish red, and black hair. She was smiling with a cute shy smile but happy. We all agreed this was her then started to tell them about the place we were taken. After a good 2 hours of giving info and telling them everything we got into a police car with S.W.A.T. behind us. We were going to go save Mary. But what we didn't know is she wouldn't be there. 

Mary's P.O.V. 
After the boys left I cried in a corner. Hoping they would hurry back. Then brad came in an hour later grabbing by the arm escorting me to a black car with tinted windows. Oh no! We are leaving again. I won't be here when the boys get here. I tried to fight but all that did was get me cuffed and gagged. I'm freaking out. I'm never going to see the boys again. Never going to see my mom, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, family period. I especially won't see Daniel again. My heart is breaking. I can't handle this much stress. After my breathing quickened I passed out. It felt like an eternity before I woke up but when I did I  wish I hadn't. I woke up in a cell like room with a bed, bathroom, and camera. Of course when life is going good something bad has to happen. Brad came in smiling and I swear if I had the guts I would've decked him. But I just stayed on the bed glaring at him. 

Me: You know someone will find me right. 

Brad: Right and I'm the tooth fairy. 

I just smiled. He doesn't know I have my phone fully charged ready for someone to track. 

Brad just smiled back and left. I just hope the boys hurry. 

Jack's P.O.V. 

We are all around the stupid warehouse thing that Brad held us in. In a few minutes Mary will be safe. Daniel is taking this the hardest. He's even going in there with Swat once everything is clear to comfort Mary. He told us he likes her. But I guess I must be the only one to see that she likes him back. I see the way she looks at him and acts especially around him. But of course I keep this to myself. Anyway, Swat just went in. Daniel has worry written all over his face. Then when Swat comes back they said there is no one in there. 

Daniel: WHAT!! SHE WAS THERE!! * furious and sadness * 

He runs back to the police car and slams the door behind him. The Swat officer tells us traces of a quick leave has been proven. I know she's doomed now. Wait! Track the phone! I tell the officer about her phone and then gave him the number because I ask my mom about the number I called her from the night before last night. So they track the phone and find she is in a warehouse 4 hours from here. So we all go on with our adventure to save Mary. Me and the boys get in the car to see Daniel crying like crazy. His shirt is soaked and his face is red as a tomato. 

Me: Daniel calm down! Mary is in a warehouse 4 hours away from here so let's go. 

We all get in and start to drive again. We're coming Mary!

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