Lately you've been on my mind

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"Have you already arranged a meeting with your father?", Harry asked me not even two days later, when we were walking around London to our destination. We could have driven there, we could have also asked someone to drive us there, but Harry insisted on taking a stroll and I wasn't against the idea either, at least until I realized that the weather in the UK was much different from the weather in Cali at this time of the year. I was freezing, but Harry's hand intertwined with mine provided me with as much warmth as I needed in the middle of the cold breeze. "I'm sure he'd be happy to see you before opening night. You invited him, didn't you?"

"Slow down a minute, it hasn't even been announced yet, that I'm gonna be playing Jenna", I said chuckling, nervously tightening my grip on his hand when we passed a group of teenagers near a park. "I'm still waiting for the go from the team so that I can post about it", I told him. I had actually met up with the team of Waitress and some of the cast members just one day after I had arrived and they wanted me to be a part of the show as soon as possible, which turned out to be the Friday evening in two weeks. "But yes, I will invite him and I will meet up with him. Now, it's you sister turn though. I'm sure she's already waiting for us"

When I got London, Harry, as excpected, had already prepared his house for my temporary, at least for now, move in. Not only had he cleared an entire closet for me, he had also organized a whole ass piano like the one in his Malibu home, so I could practice my songs while he could watch me from the kitchen. He was planning to continue working on his album of course, but not before we would spend some time with his sister, who, thanks our wonderful orientation skills and the idea of taking a stroll, had indeed already been waiting for us for about thirty minutes in one of their favorite cafés nearby. I was excited to see her, but slightly anxious as well.

"OH MY GOD!", suddenly rang from behind us and instantly our hands separated even though there was no reason for us to not been seen together at this point. We had given up on that whole topic, when Harry himself had picked me up from the airport. I was more worried about our time management now and about his sister thinking we were gonna stand her up. Looking at Harry, he had the same amount of concern in his expression, with a hint of a question he wanted me to answer. I nodded slighty, smiling at the fact that were having this silent conversation and the girl, I assumed, asked further, "Harry Styles?!"

"That's my name", Harry said, turning around with the usual smirk plastered across his face and the poor fan almost fainted at his sight. Actually, it wasn't just one. There were three of them, three girls, holding each other by their hands as if they needed to be stabilized. I saw myself in their eyes, kind of. The nervousness, the embarrassment, the admiration. They were filled with awe. It was undoubtedly cute too watch. Meeting Harry Styles did those things to you, I could confirm and Harry, being the charmer he always was, fueled the flame even more with his snug grin and his calm voice, "What can I do for you?"

"W-Would you maybe take a photo with us?", the girl in the middle said in a shaky voice. As well as her friends to both of her sides, she seemed to be overwhelmed, but appeared to be the most confident one. She must have been the Katie of the group. They all must have been around thirteen or fourteen years old. I didn't know if I would have had the guts to talk to my idol at that age. Kate wold have. Speaking of their idol, Harry chuckled lightly at their fear filled eyes and nodded in confirmation, leaving my side to take said photo with them. Prefaced with a gasp, the girl on the right took her phone out of her pocket, holding it up in the air to take a selfie.

"I can take it, if you want", I chimed in, when I noticed that they were struggling to all fit into the frame at the same time. Harry had positioned himself in between the middle and the left one, making a squat so he would somewhat match their height, but he was still a head taller than them. Also, he looked like he would fall over anytime soon, so I thought it would be best to have someone else take the photo and that someone was me. They all turned to me, when I expressed my proposition and eventually handed me their phone. Harry stood up straight and began posing for the camera, occasionally lifting his gaze up to smile at me. Idiot.

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