I just wanna tell you somethin'

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"Isabella, I gotta go. I'm sorry. I'm literally being lead into the studio right now", I told my best friend a few days later when I was being lead into the studio where Harry was currently finishing up his second album. I had never been, because - in addition to being fully occupied with my own career -  I always let him do his own thing and never wanted interfere with his career or his artistic choices. Usually from about 12pm to 12 am each day we both would step into our own separate worlds with a few exceptions of Harry stepping into mine when he would come see Waitress, but I had yet to make the exception of stepping into his, ever since we came to London. "I'll speak to you soon, bye!"

The hallway we were standing in was dark and narrow. I would have most certainly gotten lost in there without the help of the employee. I was curious to find out which artist was hiding inside which number. The only artist I truly cared about though was waiting for me inside the one I was supposedly now standing in front of. Usually, I would spent my short break in between rehearsal and the actual show in my dressing room, chatting away with my cast mates or on the phone with my friends in the US, but Harry had asked me to talk about something that apparently wasn't suitable for an 12am to 12pm conversation. If I wasn't as nervous about being at the studio in general and meeting his crew, I would probably rack my brains trying to figure out what was so important that I needed to uber half an hour to the Abbey Road. 

When the soundproof door was opened for me, I immediately knew the ride had been worth it - and that was even before I heard Harry's unmistakable voice, "Walk in your rainbow paradise. Strawberry lipstick state of mind."

"I get so lost inside your eyes. Would you believe it?", he sang to an upbeat melody that made me want to bob my head to the rhythm. Taking a step inside, I saw the band sitting on a couch to my right. I knew them, not personally, but from some of Harry's story and through the media, but I had never met them, despite them being his closest friends. It looked like they had already finished recording the instruments so it was just Harry in the booth, while his producers were sitting in front of the desk with their million dollar tech. They were watching Harry closely, well until they noticed me at the entrance. Kid turned his head first, lifted up his hand as if to wave to me and then looked back at his computer screen for a quick second. I tried my best to mouth Keep going.

"You don't have to say you love me. You don't have to say nothing. You don't have to say you're mine", Harry infact kept going and I was somewhat relived he hadn't noticed me yet. The last thing I wanted to do was distract him, so I silently thanked the employee for bringing me here and stood by the door that had now been closed again. I was leaning against the wall, smiling at the band, then focusing back on the singer I had the pleasure of witnessing at work. My sixteen year old self would have gone feral at this view. "Honey. I'd walk through fire for you. Just let me adore you. Oh, honey. I'd walk through fire for you. Just let me adore you like it's the only thing I'll ever do-"

He abruptly stopped singing to which the producer caught on quickly and turned the background music off. Harry, clearly in agony, threw his head back and sighed in frustration. 

"I don't know it feels like it's missing some-Jess!", his eyes had met mine by accident. Immediately, the frustration was gone and his face lit up like he hadn't seen me in days, when it had only been a few hours. My heart made a huge jump, it had done several times since we had gotten together, but ever since the day we had visited the hospital, it was constantly bouncing on a trampoline. I couldn't even touch him without exploding internally. Maybe it was just the warmer weather. Or the fact that 12 hours a day with him just weren't enough.

"Darling, I didn't see you come in!", Harry chimed happily, exiting the booth to run up to me like a child that had just been offered sweets for the first time. He threw his arms around me and while I so desperately wanted to bury myself in his chest for the rest of the day, I kept our hug short and platonic in a way, merely because I didn't want to be introduced to his friends with a cheeks as red as the strawberry lipstick he was singing about. Him calling me darling didn't really help with that, as I was still not used to it. I needed to come up with a better nickname for him as well. When Harry reluctantly released me, he turned back to the band, "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Jessica!"

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