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Peter Stark sat inside of his Aunt May's old apartment. As he was Tony and Pepper's biological son, he had grown up at the tower and their homes all over the world. However, for school and press purposes, he was Peter Parker, his Aunt's nephew on the Parker side of the family. However, May was almost like a second mother to Peter: he spent so much time around her that she grew into the role. Her death had hit both Peter and Pepper hard: they had lost their beloved younger sister, and Aunt/mother figure in something as small as a car accident. They had worked so hard to keep May out of the spotlight as per her wishes, that it was a blow for them to lose her at all, let alone in something mundane like a car accident.

In honor of her memory, and to keep up the facade of not being a Stark, he continued to live in their old apartment. Of course, unless he was having a sleepover, he slept and lived at the tower, but for the year he had been in college, as he took online classes instead of living on campus, it had been nice to have a quiet place to work without any member of his crazy Avenger family to come running through his door and ruin the entire concept of going undercover. (However, when MJ slept over, they often used the apartment. Once they got older anyways. No chance of walk-ins and making fun from his family.)

His college teachers had also thought him a Parker. It said Stark on all his diplomas and certificates, of course, but no one saw the real ones except him and his family. Peter said that part of the pros to going to school undercover was that he could be a genius with a 180+ IQ, and the teachers would truly see that, instead of not really caring because he was a Stark. 

That was one of the very few rules that Peter and Tony had, at Peter's request. He loved his father, but when it came to school, he wanted to be awarded honors that he gained entirely on his own. However, that didn't stop him and his dad from working on anything and everything else together. And he had hair club at least once a week with his mom, Natasha, and Bucky, and eventually his Auntie Gamora, Aunt Carol, and big sister Wanda. His Uncle Clint occasionally joined in, but they always cancelled Hair Club when Shuri was over. Something about how she and Peter quoted too many vines to make it fun for the rest of them. He talked to his Mom about pretty much everything, even more after May died, as he was the other person that knew her best, and she stopped working quite as much. 

But either way, right now, it was around 2 in the afternoon, and he was waiting for his girlfriend.

 He knew she would hopefully be his fiancé soon: there was no one else for him, and she already had a promise ring that he's given her. They'd started dating at age 14, which is how long she'd known he was a Stark, and she'd never once given up on him. No one knew though, because of their safety. Peter's mom was like a mother to MJ as well, as was May before she died, as those two and Natasha were the only people who had ever been told of their relationship. This was going to change though. In 6 months, there would be a big press conference about how, when they were 21, Peter and MJ would be taking over the positions of Tony and Pepper, respectively. So until then, the big shebang where his parentage was revealed, they were going to reveal their secrets one by one, starting with their relationship. This would start on instagram, and had already begun. They were going to see how long it took for someone to guess before they eventually came out with it.

He heard a knock on the door and leapt up to get it, pulling his girlfriend into his arms and twirling around. He heard her laugh, which brought a smile to his face. He could listen to her laugh every day for the rest of his life, and spend the rest of his life a happy man.

He took the Quinjet over most every weekend, of course, as she had wanted the full on campus experience. Natasha and Pepper covered for him. Sometimes they used it to go on dates. One of their favorite places was Paris. He had given her his very first gift to her there; a black dahlia glass necklace that he had commissioned especially for her when he went on summer vacation. He had also given her the promise ring there, and soon enough, he hoped to propose there.  But seeing her on weekends and having her here, in his apartment for the near future, were two very different things. He loved the feel of her in his arms, knowing that she was his, and he was utterly and completely hers. Not that she was sappy all the time: she wouldn't be the MJ that he fell in love with without her passion and her snark and her sarcastic wit.

They spent the next few hours reacquainting themselves, and watching a few episodes of one of MJ's many murder mystery shows, before heading out into the sunshine. He took her shopping, before having lunch at a small Chinese restaurant hidden in one of the off streets that had become one of their favorite places to meet. They then headed off to the tower to see Peter's family, but not before posting this on Peter's Instagram page.

@ PBParker

Showing @QueenB_M_totheJ_ Queens from above, amazing to see her again!

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Showing @QueenB_M_totheJ_ Queens from above, amazing to see her again!

@ QueenB_M_totheJ_: aww, thanks Loser!! I suppose I had fun.

@ PBParker: Of course. Good to be together again, we can hang out anytime.

@ NedwardLeeds _loves_StrWrs: whaaat? You two are hanging out without me? Since when?!

@QueenB_M_totheJ_: umm, dork? You know you're at college right now, right?

@ Red_magic_padaWan: aww, Petey, do you have a girlfriend?! And you didn't need tell your big sister?

@ PBParker: Wanda, quit it. I don't even know what you're implying, it's Michelle.

@ QueenB_M_totheJ_: wow, loser, I'm hurt, really.

@ PBParker: that's not what I mean and you know it. I see you laughing.

@ NedwardLeeds _loves_StrWrs: Wait, you two are still hanging out?

@ Betty_reporter_Brandt: ooh, do I smell a story?

@ Red_magic_padaWan: I need a ship name. Peter is terrible with girls, so this might be his last chance.

@ PBParker: Hey! I resent that!

@ Liz_beautygurl_Allan: @ Red_magic_Padawan: #Petelle

@ Red_magic_padaWan: #Petelle

...2 hrs later

@ Betty_reporter_Brandt: sooo, Peter's so called sister? Scarlet one?

@ Flash_spideyfan_Thompson: give it up, Brandt. No way it's real.



Betty: I can't wait to see Flash's face when he realizes that it's really the Avengers commenting on Peter's feed.

Ned: 10 bucks says he'll accuse Peter of hacking...

Betty: babe, I know better than to take that bet.

Ned: does something seem up with Peter and MJ to you?

Betty: they obviously like each other, babe.

Ned: really? Wouldn't Peter have told me?

Betty: Ned, you know how shy Peter is about that kind of thing. Other than Liz, has he ever really spoken to you about ANYONE he's liked or dated? It's been years, she can't hVe been the only one.

Ned: I guess I never thought of it like that....

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