Book One Chap.1 Part 2

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I looked at the all the primes..and they all stood up...
"Welcome Slinger Prax "
Then I just signed I quess I better get use to this..I placed everything down and I noticed that they were still staring at me.. my wings kept moving up and down as a sign of prime spoke up..
"Let me introduce myself I am Vector Prime, and all of the others will introduce theirselves slowly to you, it will take about a good month or so for them to get use to you" I looked up at him for a good minute then just rolled own my heels l, because how in the ever loving name of primus am I going to stand still when these bots are looking at me like some kind of food..? Vector came down from his post" Ms. Slinger your first test is can you fight, a trained/training warrior"he quickly did a punch over my head..and for being raised and being around so many Cybertronin police officers I dodged flipped him over and stood there.. he looked up..
"Damn...I under estimated are Prowls younger sister aren't you" I nod slowly.."because you just flipped a whole Prime over your shoulders by just grabbing there fist."I nod more..he got back up.."okay next is..hey look there is scrap lit.."I did not turn my head I just looked at him with a dead smile.."wow you have no emotions.."
We did like that for another 3 hours of just random stuff..
"Okay Slinger it is time for you to go get some energon.." I finally spoke up.
"Sir I dont run on energon..i dont have a spark..because I of something my creator did when I was being made.." all the primes just had faces that were indescribable.. Vector spoke back up..
"So I quess we can just relax or something..oh and if you want you can have a set up here with us if you want because I am probably about to go to McAdams..does anyone want any thing ?" I walk up the stairs to a empty set and just glare at them..and he just walks out the room..and then all of the others just stair at me and comes over thier with his servo stretched out..
"Hi, I am  Nexus Prime, and you are very tiny to be a prime, I am just saying but to be honest no one that has came in here and flipped a heavy mech like Vector.."I shook his servo..that is when all the other one came over there except one he just looked like a frag head that needs a good round of bullets shot into him..
They all just started to talk to Nexus about how cool would it be if I could flip someone like that.. Vector walks in with every that they ordered..and sat a cup of what looks like a drank of some kind.
"It is called a Visco Frank, and here is a energon googie cake..I dont know what you like to eat so..hehe" and he walked off to give the others there stuff..
*after eating*
We all sat there until it was time to go home..
"Oh..Slinger dont go to the academy tomorrow...go to the gladiator pits place...we have to be there and we want you to see the up coming warriors..Also after tomorrow you will report here every morning.Exept at the end of the week you will be at the wrecker pits with a bot named Impactor..then after that go straight to a bot named Orion Pax..he is the one that let you in by security..he will send you to a room with all the other gladiators..then you will get a the whole day off to do what ever but you have to stay around this area..of town and if I was you I would just go to McAdams.." I walked out..
"I got it.." then left
I meet with ice on the way out of the building..when that person I think his name was War something idk..She looked at him...
"You know him..oh..never mind you probably meet him while you was in thier" he walked out way then he started to run..the other way..I stepped back and be hold it was Nexus and Vector just standing there behind us.. they both looked at us and just waved and walked back to McAdams..
*walking to Megatrons house*
"So as I was saying this is the family here in Kaon. There is Starscream, Me, Thundercraker, and know you, Kayon, Prowl, Smokescreen, and the little sparkling Bluestreak. " We all walked inside.."you and me share a room since, we are the only female.."she showed me the room, and my berth and I just passed out own it..
Next morning
"Attention all members of the  City of Kaon, today is the day of the Gladiatoral pits match.." I just fell completely off my berth..then I noticed I have to get to the place like right now..I slammed open the door to the room..and ran to the gladiator pits..and the one Prims from yesterday was waiting thier..I walked up to him..
"Right in time Slinger..just follow me.." I did we ended up in a V.I.P booth that had a glass front and it looked like it was the closest thing to the pit that any set was..he sat down and patted a set next to him...then all the other primes showed up..I could hear them whispering about me not being able to stand the energon that will get spilt today, and the reason any to made me set beside Vector becusse the though I was going to get scared..

When they started to fight I just staired at the battle and when the energon hit the glass window I just signed..then thier was a random bot hit the glass full own with the helmet they had own..they looked at me smiled and just back handed the piss out of the one that came behind them..the announcer went off.
"Winner of Round one WarDemon". The next pair went and it went own for ever until I noticed..wait was that Ice about to enter the ring.. All the other Primes where laughing, Nexus, Vector, and Old Frag head was rechargeing... she glared at all the primes and then took off after her took her the matter of 3.2 seconds to win the match she went to the window where all the primes where setting and glared..
"Since I know the rules...that means I get to pick anyone in the stadium..and I pick"..she looked at me " Come on Slinger...the next round is tag team.." she walked off the field and to the the little chamber..and I followed..
"First things first the rule to this is that never get touched by the other team..if you do you are out.." I nod..then I felt hungry..not like hungry but I was craving it energon..then I swear ice looked at me...
"I quess all the energon made the beast inside you hungry..and I know you are a predacon Slinger..and if you turn into one mid battle that is not my fault.." I looked at my reflection going eyes where already gold with a slit straight through them.." Plus Slinger the reason why I choose you is because you looked bored..also your eyes where already changing when you left this morning..I guess when that energon hit that glass your eyes went food.." we countuied to walk but I keeper own feeling like I was getting taller for some reason.. ice looked at me
"OMP..You turned into a predacon while walking.." I looked at my servos..they where pointy a.f...I also had my Praxtin wings still..
We made it to the backrooms..
"Own the left side of the field we have WarDemon and Someone random from the stands..and own the right side of the field we have Ice Con and a random from the stands....and go.." I dont know what come over me I just was just hungry..


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