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Usually I would give my chapters names but I honestly can't think of anything to name my chapters so the will be named chapter 1, 2, 3 you get the idea. this will be information

Y-n means your name

F-c favorite color

M-n moms name

D-n dads name

F/n friends name

B-n bully name

Back story

Your name is y-n and you where kicked out of your house by your family when you told them you where bisexual. They are vary homophobic and never let anyone know until now. You have been living on your own for a year now. You are 16 and they play the rent claiming the only reason they are doing this is so they don't have to look at your face. You go to high school and are bullied for no reason some times you think it's because of your weight or how you look but in reality you look cute not model cute because let's be honest those People are edited. Your four bffs are edd Matt tom and tord they where there to cheer you up when you where kicked out and they helped you get a job.

That's it for now

Eddsworld x reader(you got to be kitten me)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu