Warriors: The Skoolb

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BrightStar looked at his wonderful domaen. He gazed at the beautiful TawnyPelt twerling in the sunlight (His Queen) and smiled. "Wow I love my live" while butchering a rat. We walked ovet to the Macantush and sit on it. "Mmmmh i lik my thone!" and then walked at the elder BenjaminLong and said "hello madam" then went to the aprrentecis Softpaw and hardpaw and siad "helllo. trainining goingi goiod? ye"s. good job CumNose you make a good techaer. THE KITS WERE HONEYKIT AND FUNKYKIT 

SnakeStar likked at has thicccc Queef Snakepit. The SnaekHole was a pretty epico place unlike stuupad birry caln sluch aa sads and darek place uhhhhh. There used to be a larged population of Snakes which we quickly GENOCIDED (just like my spirit person who is exactly 100 years older than me!!!!!) now all of the snek sceletones were on display and made there houses wouw I love my home said brightstar, the snake conquiusrdoor. As SnakeStar walked around he loveed his naming system. There wos Snakepaw the Kat and Snakekit the aprretnice and Snakenose the normla cat and teh elders snakeeye the elder and snake flower and the normal cat snakenose.

Firestar took to the bleachers watching his lovely little kits running around the track, his queen AssFoot nuzzleing the spaces inbetween his little toes. He felt great pleasure knowing that she was only his and had not been nuzzzling any other leaders in their special crevisses. He was so proud of his kits LightKit, FunkyKit and SageKit as well as all the progress they had made throughout the track season. He was esspeshally suprised at how FunkyKit had overcum his assma and become the fastest of the bunch. Sooo much faster than dumpy old sage kit!!! He was always mean to him (FunkyKit OF CORSE) and Firestar waas glad that FunkyKit became fatsser to teach sageKit a lesson! Still SageKit was the favaritt thoe. Oh and also there was FastPaw and MintWhisker but no one cared aboutu them. They waweer sliy.

Berry Clan was aa sads and darek place. The QUEEN was dead.! WHAT? NO WAY! No one could believ it,., but it wast true. JebStar was going too be a great ruler so he wanted to be it. He would gaain votes and become a leader then special way withou tbeing born into the roel. He climbed on top of a rock and screamed out a phat yell.... VOTE FOR EMEEEEE. HE was a MINORITY too so i made him speshall when he got the leading role of leader. YAY JebStar? The people were so happy except for the town racist. BIRDNOSE. EW SO OLD AND CONSERVATIVE AND STANK.!? Every one voted dhim and loved him as leader except for RACIST BROD NOSE. YAY JebStar the true Berry man Clan leader! They yellwed while AshFoot definitely did not nuzzle hih TOES?!?!?.

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