💝first love pt1-myungjin🔞

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Pairing: MyungJin (MJ×JinJin Astro)
Genre: Romantic+Smut
Myungjun and Jinwoo have been in a relationship for a several months; its only natural they'd like to take things to the next level. Now, Myungjun has been with guys in his past and has had sex before. Though, Jinwoo has no experience being with anyone.


While watching TV, suddenly there was a knock at Myungjun's apartment door.

Myungjun stood up and walked towards the door, opening it. There stood his boyfriend of six-months, Jinwoo, holding a bag.

"Hi, I brought some food. I was hoping I could stay over tonight with you and have dinner? Is that okay?" Jinwoo wondered.

"Of course, come in." Myungjun agreed, and closed the door after Jinwoo walked in and past him to the dining table. "What did you bring?" He asked, leaning over the table, pointing to the bag.

"I got sushi and udon noodles. Your favorite." Jinwoo answered, taking the containers out of the bags and placing them on the table. He opened them to reveal the food.

"You know me so well." Myungjun joked with a chuckle.


After eating, the two got settled in for the night; taking seperate showers, brushing their teeth, etcetera.

They lied in bed next to each other, with almost complete silence. Though, Jinwoo's mind could be anything but silent.

His thoughts roamed all through his mind; some of jealousy, some of neediness, and others of doubt.

I wonder if we should take things to another level? Would I even know how to do it? He'd probably know. He's been with other's before. But I really wish to claim him. Who knows if he's been waiting on me. He knows he's my first love. He knows if it happens, he's my first time. Would he want to? If I ask right now, will he agree? Oh god, but if I ask him and he doesn't want to, I'd feel embarrassed.

"Jin-ah, you look stressed. Is there anything wrong?" Myungjun wondered, interfering with Jinwoo's thoughts. Jinwoo looked over to his boyfriend, who seemed to be quite worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You were breathing a bit heavily, so I thought I'd ask." Myungjun replied, and moved more towards him in the bed to hug Jinwoo's waist and lay on his chest.

Jinwoo's breathing went back to normal; him not even realising he was breathing so hard. He wrapped his arm around Myungjun's shoulder and lied his head in the older's hair, taking in the scent of the floral shampoo that engulfed it. It had been his favorite scent; the hair also being his favorite to touch, as it was soft and pretty.

The physical contact was soothing. It made Jinwoo feel like he could never let go. This boyfriend of his made him so lost in love. Even though this contact was temporary; maybe even their love was temporary. Having Myungjun to be his first crush, first cuddle, first kiss, first love, and maybe eventually first time; it was such a great feeling he didn't want to lose. If he ever lost it, he felt like he would probably never accept that.

Six months; they were going quite strong. Though, Jinwoo didn't know how long it would stay that way, considering he was holding off for so long.

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