Chapter III

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Lets get things straight. Their won't be alot of action in his book. This a slice of life.

3 weeks later

It was now lunch time and Izuku is eating with his girlfriend and sister. Mei was currently working on BB8.

That's izumi btw

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That's izumi btw. They are and laughed. Some where wondering how he got them to sit with me so easily. Izuku felt someone approach from behind reaching for the cloth. He grabbed the person's hand. "Do you need anything?" He asked. "Yeah, for you to leave. You took my chance of getting into 2a and your trying to steal my girl. You will pay." Said a tired voice. Izuku recognised it to be Hitoshi Shinsou from the Sports Festival. "I didn't ask to come here to take your spot or to steal anyone. And last time I checked Izumi liked someone else... And it sure as hell ain't you." Izuku replied. Shinsou tried using his quirk but nothing happened. "I'm not that weak yknow." Izuku remarked. Infuriated, Shinsou ripped the cloth from his face. It fell to the floor and everyone now gasped.

"Like what you see?" He asked. "What the!?" Izuku rose from his seat and said, "I can let you go unharmed or we can go the hard way." He threatened. Shinsou, now enraged, hurled his fist sloppily at the the blind boy. Izuku simply side stepped. "Strike one." Shinsou came around with a kick. Izuku ducked. "Strike two." Shinsou cautiously walked to him.... He attempted to punch him. Key word 'attempted'.

Izuku grabbed his hand. "Strike...three." Izuku threw him to the ground. He then curled his index finger and his thumb as if he were grabbing something. Suddenly Shinsou began floating into the air grabbing at his throat. Izuku was constricting his air way. "Let him go Villain!" Iida shouted rushing to him. Izuku dod the same thing to him. Iida rose into the air clawing for air. "I could easily break your necks. Yknow that right?" He mused. Izuku slammed Iida into the ground and sent Shinsou flying into the wall. He sat down to eat again. "What was that for?" Melissa asked. Izuku answered, "No goddamn clue."

ARC655 style!: Time Skip No Jutsu! A Few Hours Overdrive!!

Location: Mei's Lab

Izuku was at Mei's Lab. Why? He convinced Nezu to put him into the support course and the hero course. Izuku had a knack for creation and heroism at the same time. From now on he lives with Mei as a roommate. The others are Melissa, Tony Stark and Leo Valdez. "Alright your all settled!" Mei beamed. Izuku looked at his room. He was on the bottom bunk of a bunk bead. It was a three room underground apartment. Literally. The bed room




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