The monastery on Tu valley

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After four hours of journey, Tang Wei Sheng and Li Juan reached the main town in the foothills of the Tu valley. H town was famous for the gemstones.

The Town appeared lively and colourful with tourists and merchants. Both of them had lunch from a local restaurant and decided to continue the journey. Since they were supposed to reach the monastery before evening, they didn't think about going shopping or sightseeing in the H town.

"Do you need anything, sweetheart?" Tang Wei Sheng asked Li Juan, whose eyes stuck to the Jade stones displayed across the roadside stores.

"No." Li Juan smiled. "I don't need anything."

"I think we have a half-hour journey to the monastery. Are you tired?"

"Not a bit. What about you? Should I drive?" Li Juan asked him.

"No. Not today. I will give another chance to drive." Tang Wei Sheng replied and started his car.

After half an hour's rough terrain ride, they have reached the monastery. The monastery was more than a thousand years old and a small part of it was open to the public. Even with the tourists, the monastery and surroundings looked calm and serene. They both went inside informed that they were here to meet the monk named "Mu Hong". He was the person in charge of the library and its resources.

They were directed to a small courtyard on the backside of the monastery.

Mu Hong, a monk in bright clothes welcomed them. Tang Wei Sheng and Li Juan bowed down to pay the respects.

"My name is Tang Wei Sheng, we are coming from Jing city."

"My name is Li Juan and I am working with Professor Han Guang at Jing City University."

"Yes, Professor Su Wu has informed us that his student will stop by." Mu Hong said to them. Professor Su Wu was Han Kyung's senior and he was one who gave them the information about this place.

"I'm sorry master, Professor had an important conference to attend, so we came instead of him."

"Hmm, what are you exactly looking for?" Mu Hong asked Li Juan.

"We have been working on a project to find the Jade land. Li Juan replied.

Some of our ancient texts say that there used to be mountainous kingdom situated in the middle of the Tu mountain ranges. And the myths say that the land is the home of Jade emperor on earth."

Mu Hong gave her an agreeing nod.

"Well, the land is not mythical and it did exist. Few thousand years ago, it was the biggest repositories of gemstones in the entire mainland."

"Yes." The monk agreed with her.

"We have found the ruins of the ancient city using various technologies. But we don't have any evidence to prove that the ruins are of Jade land. I have read that, this was the only monastery that had connections with the jade land. So I thought you might have some information which will be helpful for us. Li Juan stated her purpose of visit."

"I am glad to share our resources with you." Mu Hong smiled and continued.

"You and me, we both are seekers of truth, but we decided to choose different paths to follow. You seek truth by knowledge. And we seek truth through spirituality.

But right now. I am not the right person to discuss the topic with you.

Our head monk is the right person for you and he is the one who keeps the authority of ancient texts, I am just keeper of the library." Mu Hong humbly notified them.

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