Chapter 11

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Hey candy squad!! How are you! So.... This is the sleepover chappie hope you enjoy!

"Ding dong!" The havenfield doorbell rang "Coming!!" Sophie shouted. Once Sophie opened the door, she was tackled by Keefe. "Babe! Get off me!" Sophie said in excitement.

"Haha thought you liked it" Keefe said, then pressed his lips onto Sophie's. "You're lucky Grady and edaline are not home this weekend!"

They played with each other a little longer when the doorbell rang again. Everyone was here.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Biana suggested

Everyone nodded

"I'll go first. Sophie, truth or dare?" Biana said, "hmmmm truth!" Sophie said.

"Ok who is your crush?"

Sophie blusged pink and said "I don't have a crush but...I have a boyfriend." "Who is it?" Biana asked curiously. "Keefe"

All the girls squealed

"Alright biana truth or dare?" Sophie asked


"I dare you to kiss your crush! On the lips" on hearing that, Biana flushed as red as a tomato. Then Biana scooted over to Dex and kissed him on the lips, surprisingly, Dex kissed back.

"Ok my turn again! Dex truth or dare?"

Dex said,"Truth"

"Who is your crush?" Biana said in a singsongy voice.


"I SHIP!" Sophie squealed

"OK my turn! Keefe! Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Sophie for 1 minute!"


*after the kissing*

*after truth or dare* sowwy I'm lazy sry for all the time skips

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Biana said

Everyone nodded except Tam. Tam sat out.

Sophie spin the bottle first and it landed on Keefe! Sophie kissed Keefe and scooted to the side with Keefe so it was someone else's turn to kiss.

Biana turn! She landed on dex.

*after spin the bottle*

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang

Biana went to open the door and saw "Fitz?"

Word count: 304
Idk why I'm proud. Hope you like it! Bye candy squad! Meme first tho!

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