3-Twins run in the family

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Chase Rodriguez 

Carefully shutting the door behind me, I made my way onto my balcony-which was attached to my room- and jumped on the dark figure, who was currently staring at the sunset. I, however was not expecting him to jump sx foot into the air and break my eardrums at the same time.

"Ch-Chase is that really you?" asked the figure who now revealed himself to be an exact copy of me, except he didn't have dyed hair or tattoos and bruises littering his body, he was me but innocent?

Not wanting to talk to anyone I just nodded y head and walked off the balcony and into my room being tired off well everything. Laying down on my bed, I didn't have the energy to do anything so I drifted off to sleep forgetting about my 'twin' who was probably still on the balcony.

Next Morning 

Opening my eyes to the early morning sun isn't something im not used to, as my tormenter was well to Put it lightly a lazy shit.

Looking down to my chest I saw my twin sleeping on my chest now im not trying to be rude-or maybe I am- but isn't that weird?

Not knowing what to do and not exactly comfortable in that position I carefully moved myself out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen. I would have probably got lost in this castle mansion thing but I thankfully had a photogenic memory so I remembered mostly everything. That being said I was hungry as fuck so I did the only logical thing and mad breakfast for me, myself and I.

 That being said I was hungry as fuck so I did the only logical thing and mad breakfast for me, myself and I

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As soon as I made my first bite the whole family was in the kitchen basically drooling at the food.

Feeling awkward AF I raided my eyebrow at the greedy pigs.

"Can I have some please, like you remember us discussing how I'm your favourite  brother right."Manny said obviously trying to show off though I didn't agree with him yesterday,but then again I didn't disagree either so I don't know wether to break his heart now or later.

Confused at why they wanted some of my food I just shook my head at them, put my headphones on, plugged them into my iPod(I got it for £5 back in England from most likely a druggie), and went back to eating.

"Heeeeyyyyyyy!!!!" my twin whines and pouts.

 I don't know why but I feel a stinging in my heart so I give him my plate, kiss his cheek and make my way to the living room.

Putting my headphones on, the last thing I remember before I went to sleep was someone placing a kiss on my cheeks.

Hayden Rodriguez 

Words can't explain how happy I am to finally have my twin back.

My whole life I've felt like there was a part of me that was incomplete, its was like there was a part of me missing, as cheesy as its sounds.

 Now that I have him back I don't want to ever leave him alone, that was the reason I was in his bed last night.

Finishing the breakfast that Chase made I made my way in the living room to see Chase passed to on the sofa.

Not being able to resist, I made my way over to him, and started playing with his hair and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

Interrupting my laity twin time, the monkeys  made their way to the living room- Manny, Mateo, Milo-  

"Hey, how come you get more time with him Han me, I think we've already established who the favourite brother is!!" Manny then head monkey all but whined.

 "Manny, I am warning you if you take a step closer I will personally pull your head off and, just for the record I am the favourite brother so don't you dare think that your the favourite oh and dad is right behind you, one last thing is that dad likes me and chase then all three of you monkeys!!" I spoke with anger.

The monkeys facial expressions went from shock, disagreement then well fear.

"Hey dad I would come and hug you but I got chases head on me, speaking of which do you wanna meet him" I spoke before dad had the chance too.

By the time dad was about to open his moth chase started stirring in his sleep and well he drooled all over  my pyjamas. Oh well I guess we all have to make sacrifices  sometime. Instead of waking up he just cuddled closer to me and before long you could hear his soft snores throughout the room. 

"Hayden, once he's awake could you send him to my office I need to go over the rules & expectations.  

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