6-Broken Rules

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Chase Rodriguez 

 Mr Claymore- the principle-asked how I was settling in the new school and how I was liking the school which honestly was not the type of conversation I thought I was gonna have with him but I guess dickhead from the canteen-who I still dont know the name off- didn't snake so that's good I guess.

"Right before you can go home, here's your new schedule it seems that we placed you in the wrong lessons and you'll be working in  the grade above from tomorrow goodbye."

Nodding my head, I got up and started to walk to the parking lot, where hopefully Savannah was waiting for me as I didn't want to deal with the monkeys and Hayden right now.

But of course as my luck was terrible AF I managed to bump into Hayden on my way out of the front building.

"Hey twinny guess what,guess what??"

"Hayden what the fuck do you want I'm really not in the mood?!" I spoke with anger lacing my voice.

"U-uh-uh its fine and um Savannah said she's not coming so your coming with me and the triplets bye."

Ugh for fucks sake  now he's gonna be pissed at me too, but like its not really my fault as I just had such a shitty day at school, and my head feels like there's a million hammers smashing my head at once.

After an awkward car ride, I ran inside and tried to make it to my room but got stopped by a hand on my wrist. Looking up I saw Leonardo looking at me with an angry look in his eyes.

"Get your ass into dads office right now  or your punishment is gonna be way worse!!"

Feeling pissed of at ,well, everyone anyone I snatched my hand from his grip and stormed to Santiagos' office

 Knocking on the door, but not waiting for an answer,I walked in the room and plopped down onto the seat opposite Santiago.

"Hello Santa  what is it  I can assist you with today." I spoke with a bitter sweet tone.

"First off lose the attitude, second what happened to obeying the rules. The triplets told me what happened today, though I dont get why I didn't get an email or phone call, but still you broke one of my rules so your grounded for.the rest of the week I won't take your electronics this time but if it happens again than the punishment will be way more severe understood?" He said all in one go.

"Yes sir!" I replied mock saluting him.

"Oh and before you go I am your father and you will address me as so."

"Yes Santa!" I said as I left the room and made my way to Haydens room.

Barging into the room, I saw something that I was not expecting at all.

Hayden lay in his bed crying while harshly rubbing at his eyes to get rid of the tears. As he had not noticed me yet I sat on the other side of his bed and awkwardly rubbed his shoulder while asking what happened. Instead of answering me he ran away from me and into his bathroom.

"Hayden come on please!" I pleaded desperately " If this is about me shouting at you I'm sorry please just come out"

But instead of listening to me he just carried on sobbing.

Not knowing what to say I leaned against the door trying to figure out a way to make him happy.

"OK how about I  make you a deal if you come out I'll let you do anything you want I'll even let you download social media on my phone!"  I spoke as I knew he wanted me to download snapchat and instagram on my phone for some reason.

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