The Huelet Kiddos

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Not exactly a part of the fics... But I had to share this.

A friend (rollingaroundin-bread over on Tumblr) drew my OC Huelet kiddos for me, and I wanted to share them with you.

A friend (rollingaroundin-bread over on Tumblr) drew my OC Huelet kiddos for me, and I wanted to share them with you

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Orion Tesla Duck, Cassiopeia ("Cassie") Marie Duck, and Ursa Lovelace Duck. The older two are twins, four years older than Ursa-- and in the drawing, the twins are about the same age that their parents are in the show.

Orion may be the son of Huey and Violet, but he spends a lot of his time with both of his uncles... Especially Dewey. He's easygoing, more on the adventurous side, very chill. Yes, that is a Darkwing Duck shirt he's wearing... I came up with this idea after the sketches were shown to me, but he definitely spends time with LP, Dewey, and occasionally Gos, sitting and having Darkwing marathons.

Cassie takes after her mother, very studious and well-versed in most everything. Of the three of them, she's totally the "mom child," often taking it upon herself to take care of things around the house as well as taking care of her older and younger siblings.

Ursa is definitely a daddy's girl, and not just because she has curiosity and a childlike sense of wonder just like Huey does.


I will get around to posting some of the other one-shots I have over on Ao3 sometime soon.

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