Chapter 5

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I was obsessed. Not with you but your presence infront of my eyes.

My instinct never let me look away from you, knowing you were near me. Just a peripheral vision of you and I knew it was you.

And I really tried to look away at times only to let my eyes fall on you again. So I gave up.

I gave up on trying- rather say forcing myself to look away from you. I let my eyes taking all the moment it wanted because I knew that you were just going to be seen for some few months.

I really liked how you smirked and even smiled but it suddenly turned into a scrowl. Like you didn't want me to look at you. Like you were annoyed, irritated. Or maybe is was just me hallucinating?

And I couldn't help but feel tiny infront of you. That was why I looked away evertime I saw you but thinking about it after. So I didn't really had the courage to totally not see you. My eyes would magically fall on you before I looked away.

So yes. Days went by like that and finally it was normal. It was normal for me to notice you and walk away like nothing happened.

You continously tried to impress your girlfriend and I tried to normalize you everytime.

My little crush//Jungkook//Where stories live. Discover now