Girl and Boy

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© Copyright 2013 AddieMaria Addie Maria

All Rights Reserved


I open up the book I have been dreading to look at all day. I turn to the right page number and stare at the words for a few minutes.


You know when you look at a word too much and it starts to look funky? Well thats what I feel about the whole human language.


I laugh a bit and close the book throwing it near my book bag, the loud thud sound comes and I sit on my bed staring at the other side of the wall. Who am I kidding? I never do homework.


It's been a couple days since Kyle took me to that cliff, I'm pretty sure he's plotting his big revenge on me.


And it's currently Friday night and I'm doing nothing.


Trying to remember the last time this happened, I give up and decide to go take a walk.


I put on a comfy college sweatshirt since it's pretty late right now and being cold does not sound fun.


As I start walking around the campus paths, my phone rings.


I place the cold metal rectangle up to my ear, "Hey."


"Hi Andrea! Do you want to come to my dorm right now?" It was Hailey.


Well I guess there really isn't anything better to do. "Sure." I answer.


"Okay! I'm in the dorm block across from yours, room 165!" She says. I tell her I'll be there in a few minutes and we end the call.


I wonder what Hailey wants.


She opens the door right as I knock on the wooden door.


"Thank god you came! I was totally not sure if you were up for it but- Oh! come in! Sorry."


A small smile curves onto my lips as she is just so darn happy. I walk into her room which is full of pictures of her and friends. Her room set up is just like mine but she has a bit more of a girlier look in here.


"So what did you want to ask me?" I ask.


"Oh yeah, Duh- Well since Kate is having some type of Skype date with Cole tonight, I just got super bored and all of the guys are just hanging out playing video games and drinking; I wanted to know if you wanted to go clubbing with me tonight!"


Now this is what I usually do my friday nights.


I smile, "Yeah I'll go." Her face lights up like a Christmas tree.


"Okay awesome! Lets figure out what were going to wear." She heads towards her filled up closet with motivation picking out about 10 dresses.

AKA... The Bad GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora