Ch 3:New friends New adventure

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Dark Pov

S.o.D and I walked to route 29 then I heard the professor.

Elm:Hang on Dark.

Dark:What's up Professor Elm?

Elm:I want you to take care of Chikorita.



Elm:Yeah. I didn't want her to get stolen so I'm giving her to you.

Dark:Well if that's the case welcome to the team Sakura.



Dark:Yeah. She evolves into Meganium. And Maganium's pedals look like Sakura flower pedals.

S.o.D:Huh. Well welcome Sakura.

Sakura went into her Poke ball without another word. We went deeper into the route and saw Lyra.

 We went deeper into the route and saw Lyra

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Dark:Hey Lyra.

Lyra:Hey Dark. I just wanted to show you how to catch Pokemon before you left.

Dark:I know how to catch a Pokémon Lyra. I'm not stupid.

Lyra:Alright smartie pants. Then show me.

I walked into the long grass and found a Sentret.

I walked into the long grass and found a Sentret

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Dark:Heh easy. Go Sasuke.


Dark:Tackle it!

Sasuke tackle at it but the Sentret was too fast.

Dark:' Damn it! It's faster than Sasuke. I've got to find a way to slow it down. '

Then it came to me SmokeScreen and Leer.

Dark:Sasuke use Leer!

Sasuke then used Leer.

Dark:Now use SmokeScreen.

Sasuke then used SmokeScreen and set it ablaze with ember. Sentret was blown back into a tree. I flipped my hat and threw the Poke Ball.

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