T&A: Nobles

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Once I'm presentable, albeit covered in bandages, I'm given new clothes and that blasted red sash. I struggle for almost an hour before I'm able to tie it on. The Avin messenger sash, the red cloth indicated an owned Avin. Not having it on had felt like a weight had been taken off—however it also meant I was free game to be shot out of the sky.

Nikolie gives me a razor and a bucket of soapy water and I clean myself up. At this point, I'm moved to a different room. I stay silent, taking my direction from Nikolie who anxiously moves me quickly. The room has the bare necessities and no windows, but it's not a cell. I spend the next two days being treated by Nikolie, eating, and sleeping.

I couldn't see the sun to be certain, but I suspect from the dark hall that it is unusually early when I have a visitor. I'm lounging on the bed when my door opens without warning. A beautiful Soli woman flanked by a guard and a female servant fills the doorway. The woman eyes me and reaches to take the lamp from the servant. "I want a word with you in private."

The guard shifts uncomfortably. "I shouldn't leave you alone with him, my lady."

The woman turns and pulls his sword out from his sheath. "He's wounded and I'll keep my distance. Besides he should know that should he harm me, it would not be a swift death."

I don't move, just keep my eyes on the noble. She's too young to be Adon's mother. Sister, or maybe wife? She certainly would be a suitable hostage for an escape, but she's right, I'm not sure I could pull that off in my state.

With a look from the noblewoman, the guard shuts the door. She eyes me.

"Stay where you are and answer my questions." She takes a few steps closer. "I am Lady Emryis and I want to know why my brother bought you."

Sister then.

"I imagine it's because he wanted an Avin," I say dryly.

"Don't be smart," she snaps. "Adonis is not the type. He detests slavery. At first, I figured he just planned on helping you heal and then setting you free, but there's something else going on. He's acting strangely and I want to know why."

She's worried about her brother and doesn't know who to take her frustrations out on. I choose my words carefully, "I have only spoken to Lord Killex once and it wasn't for very long."

"What did you speak about?"

"To be blunt, he convinced me not to run myself on his sword. I was in the mood to die and he talked me out of it."

Most people, especially nobles, don't like to think about death so I figured this would scare her off but no such luck.

"How?" she asked, eyes narrowing.

Adonis said to trust no one and clearly hadn't filled his sister in. So, I think of a convincing lie. "Like you said, he doesn't like slavery. He promised me he'd free me or at least treat me well. I conceded."

"You're lying." Lady Emryis raises the sword. She doesn't hold it as confidently as her brother, but she's clearly trained with one before. I shut up and watch her. She takes another step closer. "I know my brother better than anyone else and I know when he's lying to me. He's acted off since bringing you here and you will tell me why."

Either Adonis hasn't been hatching this plan as long as he said or he's slipping up right at the end. I could rat him out, but that would do me no good whatsoever. I try again.

"I don't know why he's lying to you but you're correct that I am." I sit up slowly, letting my wings unfurl. I'm well aware of how large I am and I try to use it a bit. "I don't trust you or Lord Killex. I think his promises are empty and only agreed to give myself a better chance of escaping. If you think that's a problem, you best kill me now."

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