Chapter 9

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It was already the next day, and Minhyuk had woken up with the tingles from the previous night still lingering on his lips and in his stomach. His hand reached over to turn the alarm off, it was a new feeling for him, given that Changkyun was the one to make sure he was awake everyday.

But today was a special day.

After Kihyun had left the apartment the previous night, Minhyuk made sure to set everything up for that morning.

Minhyk sat up and groaned as he tried to rub the sleep away from his eyes. Useless, as always, but it was worth the shot. Still tired, but with a lot of will-power, he pushed the covers out of his way and shivered from the sudden coldness slapping his exposed arms and feet. He stood up and rushed towards Changkyun's bedroom, knocking on the door, loud enough to wake his son.

When he didn't hear a response from the child, he frowned and walked inside. He nearly freaked out when he saw nothing on the bed.

The covers were messy and some of the tiny pillows were scattered all over the floor around the bed. The plushies were nowhere to be seen, which alarmed Minhyuk even more.

"Changkyun?" His voice came out softer and shakier than he had intended, but his son was missing and he had no idea where he had gone to. Just as he was about to look under the bed before jumping to conclusions, he heard a tiny sneeze and a nervous gasp coming from the closet.

The man slapped his right hand over his chest in front of his heart and shut his eyes closed with a relieved and trembling sigh. Changkyun was still there.

He carefully stood up from his knees and cautiously walked towards the closet, knocking softly, to announce himself. "Kyun?" Rustling was heard from the opposite side of the door followed by a whine, "not here!" Minhyuk couldn't help but chuckle. "Do you have any idea where he could be?" More rustling, "nuh-uh..." the father took a deep breath before speaking, "Baby, I know you don't want to go to daycare, but you will be with the fair lady! You like her don't you?"

The door finally opened, revealing a pouty Changkyun, holding onto his plushies like his life depended on it. Minhyuk sat down on the floor and the toddler settled himself on his father's lap. "The fair lady?"

It was so cute how Changkyun never knew people by their names, but rather nicknames he made for them. In this case, it was Solar they were both talking about, Minhyuk had known her ever since him and his brother arrived to the orphanage; she was just this teenager who all the boys thought was the most beautiful human being.

Not only was she a gorgeous girl, she was very skillful when it came to taking care of them. She was never strict and made everything really fun, it didn't matter what it was they were doing; she always made it seem like the most entertaining game.

When Minhyuk and Hoseok finally got adopted, she made sure they were feeling safe and happy with their new family by writing them letters and paying them visits every once in a while. Their adoptive family was close to hers, so it was not weird or intrusive at all.

She had recently quit her job at the orphanage because of some legal issues regarding her treatment there, and since Minhyuk already had his business set up and running well, he decided to employ her at the daycare that was being built near the complex he lived in.

Since he had to do some regular checkups on the building, Changkyun had the chance to meet her, and just like she did all the boys at the orphanage when she was a teenager, she won Changkyun over after a couple of visits. He never learned her name, though, so he calls her "The fair lady."

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