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A father and his kids vibe on Halloween
Makes sense if I have an Halloween thing out on Halloween.
I hope y'all stay safe and drink some water please.


"You little shit, get back here!"

"You can't call me that!"

Wilbur jumped over the couch chasing Tommy through the family room. Techno and Tubbo were sitting on the ground, the small boy was cutting yellow paper into a crown for his pink haired brother.

"Will! Tommy!" their father yelled, "stop running around. Tubbo has scissors."

The blonde huffed, and plopped down onto the ground next to Tubbo. "I wasn't doing anything."

"You went through my room!" Wilbur argued, choosing to sit next to Techno with arms crossed.

"I wanted my vlog gun back!" Tommy yelled back.

"Boys!" Phil called, taking a seat on the couch behind the circle of boys.

"Sorry, Phil."

"It's finished!" Tubbo cheered out. He raised the yellow paper cut into a crown, that was taped at the sides to hold the paper together. Smiling at his brother, Techno took the crown and placed it on top of his pink hair, which was thickly braided down his back.

The brunette smiled widely at his brother.

"Thanks Tubbo, I love it."
"You're welcome!"

"Tommy what are you even going to be?" Wilbur asked, uncrossing his arms and leaned back onto his hands.

The blonde gasped, offendedly, "I'm a ghost!" He reached for the sheet that Phil let him cut up. He pulled the sheet over his head, and began accusing Wilbur of not being the fun one by not dressing up.

"Nor has Tubbo!"

"I'm a bee," the brunette said. He pulled on the headband Techno made for him. It was made out of pipe cleaners wrapped around a thick headband. He also gestured to his black and yellow jumper.

"What are you even going to be Wilbur?" Techno asked, leaning onto his hands.

The boy shrugged. "I'm not sure, I don't think I am dressing up."

"What! Why?" Tommy yelled.

"I'm taking you two out. Why should I need to dress up?"

"Because we all are," Phil said, standing up, revealing his store-bought Mario costume. "And if you don't have a costume, you can be my Luigi." The man tossed a bagged green and blue costume at the boy. After much begging, surprisingly mostly by Tubbo, Wilbur reluctantly changed into the costume.

The costume looked almost like it was made from foam, and it probably was, but Wilbur knew he was going to get yelled at and/or disappointed Tubbo, so he changed.

Emerging from his room, the tall boy was met with a wave of words being thrown at him. Mostly by Tommy, who usually was heard due to the volume of his voice. Anyways, Phil had given Tubbo and Tommy shopping bags to hold candy. The two boys debated switching bags as their father walked over to the older two hand them bags as well.

Noticing the confusion and their faces Phil quickly filled them in. "I just assumed you'd want to go trick-or-treating with the kids," this was met with a loud we're not kids. "If not, we can just follow them around all night and make small talk with the other older kids and parents."

Techno cringed at the thought of social interaction, so he took the pink bag from the man. Phil gestured the black one at Wilbur before the teen, somewhat reluctantly, took it.

Clapping his hands, Phil gather his kids and got them out in door in less than five minutes, a new record for their family.

Trick-or-treating pasted by uneventful but the group was having a fun. Tommy and Tubbo were already discussing next Halloween. They were, ie Tommy, was trying to persuade Techno to do a group costume with them. Wilbur, offended he wasn't asked, said that they'd all do a group costume next year.

When the two in the front were leaning on each other, Phil decided it was time to go home. Checking his watch, which read 10:36, he told them that they'd turn back around and hopefully get them in bed by 11. This news displeased the boys, claiming they'd be alright in the morning, however, losing their nonexistent battle to the older man with more authority they turned back to their house.

They arrived home at 10:42. The younger pair sat down back on the family room floor and dumped their bags out, making sure to keep their candy separate.

"Wilbur, Techno? Do you want to join us?" Tubbo asked politely.

"We're going to trade candy," Tommy informed them. "The more people, the more trading!"

They looked at each other before shrugging and sat down forming a circle with their candy in separate piles in the middle.

"Techno," Tubbo started, "do you want my Almond Joys for some KitKats?"

Techno did like Almond Joy. The boys traded for thirty minutes. Tommy and Wilbur argued, not surprising anyone, over three boxes of Milk Duds.

"What do you mean not a fair trade?" the blonde cried out, "Three lollipops for three Milk Duds is a fair trade!"

"I want five lollipops and then I'll start to consider," the brunette answered back.

Huffing the blonde gave him five lollipops for his Milk Duds. Tubbo ended up giving him a lollipop in return. Tubbo had asked for Wilbur's Starburst for his Swedish Fish, which the brunette excepted.

"Boys," Phil interrupted the deal Tommy and Techno were making, which brought in the other two. "Time to get to bed."

Tommy, arguing to stay up longer, was pulled to his feet by his older brother telling him to listen to Phil.

The small group of boys left for their rooms.

"Phil," Tubbo said before turning the corner. He dug through his bag until he found his Snickers bars and thrusted them out to Phil. The man gladly accepted them and thanked Tubbo for the candy.

"Happy Halloween, Phil!"

"Happy Halloween, Tubbo."

Technically, for me it's still Halloween
So. Here's a Halloween thing on Halloween
I hoped you all stayed safe.
I love you and drink water please
october 31, 2020

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