Part 11 {October}

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After those moments, time started flying by. Big things have happened over the next 4 weeks. Duke persuaded you to move to LA with him. You're pretty much fully moved in and settled in your cozy apartment with Duke. You have some subtle fall/Halloween decorations set out. After the move, you need a few more things from the store and some groceries.

 Duke is out with some other TikTok friends when you text him, "Hey babe! I hope you're having fun. I'm going to run some errands. Need anything?" You slide on a cute cover up, some shoes, and grab your purse and keys. You're about to head out, but check your phone before walking out the door. You see a notification from Duke saying, "Not that I can think of. Be safe please. I love you so much." "I love you too. <3" you respond.

 You walk out of your apartment and make your way to the parking garage and leave. You go to a nearby Target and safely park. You go in and get a few more household items that are lacking in the new apartment. You also get all of the groceries needed for about a week and a half, getting a few extra snacks of course. You have everything you need and start walking to the checkouts. While on the way you walk by a beauty/health isle, where a certain box catches your eye. It's a blue and white pregnancy test box. You immediately feel urged to buy it. You trust your instinct and put the double pack pregnancy test into your shopping cart with the rest of your items. You go to the checkouts and buy all of your items. 

On the way out of the Target, you go to Starbucks and pick up your favorite drink and also get an extra hot pumpkin hot chocolate for Duke. You look at your phone while waiting for the beverages to get done. You have a text from him, "We're almost done for today. I'll be home in about 45 minutes." The barista finishes up your drinks and hands them to you. You thank her and take all of your items and drinks out to your car. You head back to your apartment, unload, and carry everything up to your apartment. You get upstairs and into your apartment and put everything away. 

You get to the final item, the blue and white box. You look at the time and see you have about 15 minutes until he'll get home. You take it to the bathroom and read all of the instructions. You take both of the digital tests in the box. You put the caps back on and set them on the counter. You take note of the time and distract yourself for the next 3 minutes that the tests are processing. You take a deep breath and walk into the bathroom. You close your eyes and take in what could or couldn't be your fate. You flip them over at the same time. You examine both tests, seeing the exact same word and symbol on each test. You're in awe, but hear the apartment door unlocking and opening. 

You quickly hide the tests in your bathroom closet where they won't be found. You wash your hands and exit the bathroom, walking out into the living room. You meet Duke by the kitchen counter, handing him his hot chocolate. He looks at you and smiles, "Thank you babe." You look into his eyes and melt in his smile. You kiss him and go on with your evening. You set up a cute little movie night with snacks and cozy blankets. You snuggle into him and have an amazing night with him. 

Hey y'all I hope this is a treat for you! Happy Halloween! Sorry for the little cliffhanger btw. I love you all! Thank you so much for reading! <3

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