Part 13 {Dinner and Surprise}

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You walk out into the living room area in a mid-length, fit, sparkly, black dress and tuck your hair behind your ear. You walk over to him, and wrap your arm around his waist and look up at him. "You look stunning. Absolutely gorgeous." Duke tells you in a soft voice. You blush and thank him as you fix the top button on his button-up OVO shirt.

"Are you ready?" you ask. "Whenever you are." he says. "Alright, lets go." you say with a slight smile. You follow him to the door as he grabs his keys and you grab a small purse and throw it over your shoulder. You walk out together and go to the parking garage and get into the infamous Tesla. Duke starts the car and you begin your route to the restaurant. You can smell his cologne and it makes you want to melt into the smell. After a 20 minute drive, you arrive at your destination.

Duke gets out and opens the door for you. You smile and thank him as you step out. You walk together into the restaurant and are greeted kindly at the door. You're lead to a table close to the backside of the location and take a seat with Duke in a nice, comfortable, sleek booth. You talk and enjoy a small appetizer while your food is being prepared. You talk about everything. Plans, ideas, and feelings. You can't help bet think how lucky you are to have him.

The waiter brings out 2 plates of delicious looking and smelling food. You both thank the water and begin to eat. You both got pasta of course. You have more amazing conversations as you eat and enjoy your meals. After some time, you both finish up and clean up. The waiter comes with the check and you both compromise and split the bill. You both thank the waiter and Duke leaves a tip for the amazing service as you both get up and walk towards the door. You thank Duke for the amazing dinner date as he says, "wouldn't want anyone else to have one with." You blush once again as he leads you to the car and opens the door for you. You carefully take a seat in the passengers seat as Duke makes his way over to the drivers. "Wanna go look at the Christmas lights?" you suggest. "Uhm, yes! Of course!" Duke says.

Duke puts the route into the car and starts driving. He grabs your hand and holds it whilst resting it on your thigh. You run your thumb back and forth over the top of his soft, big hand as you watch the street lights blur past. You get lost in the moment. You just can't stop thinking about how lucky you are. 

The car finally gets parked in a beautiful area in front of a small, but cute Christmas light show. You take a deep breath in, preparing yourself. You reach into the back seat and grab the small gift bag. "Here's your surprise. I've been so excited to give it to you all day." you say, handing it to him. He takes the bag gently, looking into your eyes. He slowly lifts the light-colored paper out of the top of the bag and looks in. He takes out the first item and is slightly confused at first, but you suddenly see it click in his mind. He's in awe as he pulls out the test and looks over at you with a huge smile on his face. "No way. Is this real?" he says in disbelief. "Yea." you say, teary eyed.

"You're going to be a dad Duke." you say so happily. He starts crying extremely happy tears, knowing his future. He reaches across the car and hugs you tightly, overjoyed with the news.

Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed. Thank you for mostly being so patient. I know it's been so long since the last part, and I'm so sorry. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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