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this chapter omf.

The next few weeks of Autumn missing Calum terribly came by slowly. Autumn couldn't make it out of bed for most days, but she was still able to get up and eat an apple for breakfast.

Now, you must be wondering if she still went to the coffee shop, and the answer is, no. She hated the way it reminded her of him. It made her feel terrible. But she was certain that she would be able to walk into that coffee shop, pull a smile, and sit by the window like she used to.

Autumn dragged her feet to her closet, putting on her jeggings and a sweater. Then, she was out to head to the coffee shop. After a few more minutes, the coffee shop was in her view, she took a breath.

"You can do this Autumn. You promised yourself you were able to do this." she said, trying to motivate herself. Her feet began to walk to the coffee shop, and when the doors were in right in front of her, she took a deep breath and walked through them.

The familiar scent filled her nose, calming her down a little. "Autumn," Michael's voice called her. She looked at him, smiling weakly. "Hey, Michael. Sorry it's been a while. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine. How about you? I missed you. How are you holding up?" he answered, already getting her drink ready.

"I'm doing alright, kind of." she spoke, walking towards the counter. She chuckled as the familiar drink got into her view, "Thanks." she said, but mentally face-palmed when she realized she had forgotten her money.

"Autumn, don't stress it. It's on the house." Michael said, handing her the drink.

Autumn sighed, "Sorry, Mikey." she spoke, getting the drink. "It's fine, now go on, relax." he chuckled. She nodded, walking slowly to her usual table that she hasn't sat in for a while. When she sat down, the sadness soon consumed her. The memories came flooding back. The sad emotion came back, like always.

She looked away from the window, looking down at her hands and shutting her eye's, letting the tears fall down from her eye's. But she heard the door open and then close, making her wipe away her tears quickly and fought back the rest of the tears that threatened to spill, she sucked in a breath.

"Hey, Mikey." A deep voice spoke. The accent sounded like Calum's, but it didn't sound the same. "The usual, mate?" She heard Michael ask.

"Yeah. Thanks, mate." the voice said. After a few more minutes, footsteps were heard again and a chair was pulled back slightly, the boy sitting at a table. Autumn finally looked up once she felt that she looked like she wasn't crying at all.

There was a boy sat at the table next to Calum's old table. The boy was blonde, and he seemed tall, even though he was sitting. He was sipping the familiar drink in his hand; vanilla bean. Autumn stared for a while longer, but looked away and instead, she stared out the window.

As she did so, her emotions came pouring in, devouring her.

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