The Awakening

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This story takes place just before the announcement of results of class poll special exam which took place in volume 10.
Even if you haven't read,here are the rules,rewards and penalties summarized!


The exam consists of a class vote, where each student in each class is allotted three praise votes and three criticism votes.

Rule 1: Praise and criticism votes invalidate each other. Praise votes – Criticism votes = Results.

Rule 2: You can't cast praise or criticism votes for yourself.

Rule 3: Voting multiple times for the same person, leaving part of the ballot blank, abstaining from the vote altogether and other acts of this nature are prohibited.

Rule 4: The exam will be repeated until the first and last place students are determined.

Rule 5: It is required to cast a separate dedicated praise vote for a student in another class.

Rewards and Penalties

The student who accumulates the most praise votes will be given a Protection point.

Protection points grant you the right to override an expulsion.

The student who accumulates the most criticism votes will be Expelled.

These are the rules in a nutshell.


Everyone was waiting for the results of the class vote.

Class-C was enveloped in silence and the environment was so tense that one could cut it with a knife.

Yamuachi was visibly worried as his 'master plan' had been foiled and exposed by Horikita.The whole class held a negative view of him but at the same time doubts lingered in the minds of all the classmates.

Ayanokoji was not someone who was vital for the class's progress in the eyes of most students.They could not see much difference between expelling Yamauchi or Ayanokoji.As long as they were away from the danger zone,it didn't matter who.

Ayanokoji,on the other hand,was aware of the fact that most of his classmates really didn't care much.Even though the criticism votes had now been divided between Yamauchi and him,he was almost too sure he wouldn't  stand last because he trusted Arisu Sakanayagi and knew that her class would be giving their praise votes to him.

He sat on his bench comfortably as he already knew the outcome of the test.

Chabashira sensei entered the class.Her usual cold expression had  changed to an anxious and worried one.

Without wasting any time,she announced,

"The results of the class poll are out.Firstly the students with the most praise votes-
Kei karuizawa in third place with 12 praise votes.
Kikyo Kushida in the second place with
16 praise votes.
Yosuke Hirata bangs the first place with 20 praise votes.

Now on to criticism votes-
Ken Sudo comes third from last with 15 criticism votes.
Kanji Ike comes second last with 18 criticism votes."

She paused and gulped for a second.

Even though Ayanokoji knew Yamauchi would be last,the actions of Chabashira sensei didn't match.Unless-

"The student who gained the most criticism votes and will be expelled is-

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Meanwhile in class A:

"Yahiko is to be expelled as he came last with 37 criticism votes."

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