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Melo POV(November 1st)
I woke up on someone couch and I didn't recognize the house. I sat up and walked to the bathroom and used it.

Melo. I heard someone call.

Yeah. I answered and opened the door only to see Stephanie.

Hey. She said.

Hi. I said taking the water and pill she handed me.

Don't worry nothing happen I'm gay LaMelo. She said.

You are? I asked. She nod as this dice came down.

Bae this is melo,Melo this is my girlfriend Jayce or Jay. She said.

Sup. I said nodding.

Whats sup bro. She said.

Thanks for letting me stay. I said.

Anytime I really wanted to get to know Loyalty. She said.

Yeah I'm sorry about her she gets jealous quick. I said.

It's fine honestly...what's her Instagram? She asked.

Love.Loyal or you could just look in my bio. I said.

Okay. She said.
Loyalty. I said closing the door.

Welcome home. She said.

Don't even cuz you told me not to come home. I said.

Where did you stay? She asked.

Actually at Stephanie's and her girls house. I said and she rolled her eyes and walked away.

Why are jealous she like girls. I said following her.

And you don't know what two girls could have done. She said.

Loyal stop tripping. I said.

If I'm tripping then leave LaMelo. She said.

No. I said grabbing her.

Let me go. She said.

No bruh you needa chill out cuz you was hella disrespectful last night all she was tryna do was being friends and ya ass was just assuming shit because you wanna be jealous. I said.

I don't care. She said rolling her eyes.

Roll ya eyes again imma give something to roll ya eyes for. I said.

Whatever LaMelo. She said walking to the bedroom.

Loyalty. I said.

What. She said.

Talk to me baby. I said.

About what? She asked.

Why are you so upset? I asked.

Because you left me alone at the party to talk to that girl. She said.

Seriously. I said.

And also because you been lying to me back not texting other females...your making me feel stupid. She said.

Well you aren't. I said.

Let see ya phone. She said. I handed her my phone and she unlocked it looked threw everything. She closed it and handed it back to me.

What was the point of lying? She asked.

What do you mean lying? I asked.

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