Chapter 4 "Roadblocks"

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Chapter 4 "Roadblock"

Alycia's POV

So I woke up my dreams this afternoon. I still don't know how long that I have been out. There were a few dreams from a previous life, or that is what I am thinking it was. Eliza was there and I called her Clarke. It seemed at first we were at war together, but those are just bits and pieces and I am not quite sure what is real.

I almost blush at one of my dreams. She came to my room she was leaving, I so wanted to tell her that I loved her, but I didn't, not even when I could see the love shining from her eyes. I feel like I had loved her for a long time, but something had happened and I don't know what it was. I hurt her, not sure how, but I did.

I thought that even though she cared for me, the pain of the past was too great for her and she would never act on those feelings. I went to shake her hand, just wanting to have some kind of physical contact with her, not knowing if I would ever see her again. It shocked me when she pulled me in for a kiss. I remember the tear flowing down my face, as we continued to kiss.

We spent time getting to know each other's bodies, I can remember not wanting the feeling to end, just hoping that this wasn't the end of us. She finally gets dressed, we can't put the inevitable off anymore. Clarke still had to leave. With one more kiss to my lips she leaves the room to her own.

As I am finishing getting dressed and about to put my armour on, I hear the first gunshot. In a panic, I rush to the room across the hall, hearing several more shots ringing through the room on my way there. Having no concern for my own safety, I open the door to Clarke's room. I see the bald man with a tattooed head across the room, just as a sharp pain hits my stomach. I look down at my stomach, seeing the growing blood stain. Turning to Clarke I look in her eyes, both of us knowing that this is the end. At least Clarke is going to be ok.

Eliza starts packing up all the medical equipment, equipment that she used on me. Was I really that sick? Anya and some girl turn on the TV and all I see is chaos. It's a bit scary, they remind me of the other dreams, the dreams that I woke up with. Really sick people attacking people, it looks like every zombie movie. Anya and Octavia told me about their dreams, but I didn't believe them.

I was fighting them with Eliza and other people. She is always trying to protect me. What is even weirder is I see us both turning into wolves and fighting as well. Surely that isn't going to happen. I have a hard time believing that all the rest is going to come true, but werewolves, that's too much.

I am still watching everything on the TV when Eliza says, "We have to go now."

I haven't said a word since waking up, still just trying to process it all. I feel Eliza taking me in her arms and I curl right into them, pressing my face into her neck. She feels so safe and smells so good, and I feel too weak to complain. She is loading me into the back of Bellamy's van, when I see Costia. She doesn't look the same though, her skin is paler kthan I have ever seen on anyone, black blood dripping from her mouth, teeth snapping as she notices us.

At the sound of growls coming from Eliza and Anya, I look over their shoulders, as they step back and turn around. I watch as their clothes shred, falling to the ground in pieces, hearing bones crunch as they break and reform into the shape of a wolf. I am trying to get out of the van, when Octavia grabs me by my shoulders, holding me back.

I am fighting Octavia with all that I am when I see Costia lunge for Anya and Eliza, but they are even faster, as Anya attaches herself to Costia's side and Eliza does the same to her neck. I don't even realize that I am screaming and sobbing, as they clamp on and tear Costia's neck from her shoulders. I calm down a bit as Costia gives up her fight.

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