Chapter One: Watching Through a Window, Falling From a Tree

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                                                                 Third Person’s POV

A/N: Hai guys! Most of you know me as Bonnie, from my story Stick With Me, but if you don’t...NOW YOU DO! Anyway, this is my first reader insert, so I hope you guys like it! I’ve never seen a Toby x Reader x Jeff story on Quotev OR Wattpad before, so I made one! ON TO THE STORY!


You could say that Y/N was a typically normal girl, at first glance. At her school, she had a few close friends, had a few enemies, like everyone else.

But Y/N had a not-so-normal thing, rather a person, watching her. Everyday.

It had started out as a simple Proxy job for Toby. Slenderman had told him to kill a boy, who was around 18. After he finished the job, he was about to return to Slender Woods, until he heard a voice. One of the most melodic voices I’ve ever heard, Toby thought. He followed the noise, wondering if the creature producing the sound was as lovely as her voice.

Toby discovers the house the voice was emerging from. It was a two story house and it looked as if the voice was coming from a high up window to Toby.

He crawled up a tree, to get a better look. He sat down on a thick branch, putting his goggles on the top of his head and leaning forward, to see better.


“Hold your breath,

as you watch me fall.
It’s easier to say nothing at all.”
She sung.

Toby spotted the girl, his hazel eyes widening slightly in surprise. As she cleaned her room, her H/L H/C hair swishing slightly as she moved, E/C orbs darting around the room, looking to something to fix in the mess of a room. She’s...really pretty…, Toby thought, watching her mindlessly.

No! Toby said in his mind, turning away from the window. You’re a killer, Toby. Besides, she’d just think you’re weird, with all the stuttering and ticking.

“I need a friend,

playing pretend isn't working.

These pills are useless,

and the shadows keep lurking.”

Toby  was about to jump from the tree, when he heard her voice again, his heart sinking. Why was she singing such a sad song? He turned back to the window, seeing Y/N on her bed,  a small smile on her lips.


But it was a wistful smile, full of sorrow. Her face brightened as if on cue, though, as a rather loud meow was heard, then a pawing at her door. She smiled a genuine smile, walking over and opening the door. The cat quickly sauntered in, jumping up onto her bed and sitting down. (Sorry if you don’t like kitties! Just pretend it’s a dog somethin’.)

Y/N sat down on the bed as well, gently petting C/N. The cat purred for a bit, nudging her hand now and again. C/N got bored after a while, though And jumped onto the windowsill, wondering if he/she could find a bird to scare. But C/N found something else.  

Toby had realized that the cat was looking right at him! “What is it, C/N?” Toby tried to sink back into the darkness, but instead, he managed to flop over sideways, falling out of the tree in the process.  

Toby’s body hit the ground with a hard, almost sickening smack, his neck snapping slightly out of place. He bolted upward, remembering the E/C eyed girl looking out the window. He hid behind the tree, cracking his neck back into place.

He looked to see that the girl’s face had disappeared from the window. Wait… Why am I hiding? I could chop her head off, just like that! Toby thought. Then… Why do I not want to kill her? There was something that he liked about her, but he just couldn’t put his gloved finger on it.

He sighed; Toby would have been more than happy than to stay and watch this beautiful girl, but he had to get back to the mansion before curfew.

“Owwie…” Toby laughs quietly. “That would’ve hurt.”

Toby wasn’t sure what drew him to this girl, but he knew what he’d be doing with his free time for a while.

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