Chapter Two: Well, That Escalated Quickly

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Monday night. That meant it was time for a killing spree. I was getting bored anyway, so I thought I might as well do this.

I saw a house I didn’t think was particularly too noticeable. I started making my way to the house-until I heard a few yells.


“Get back here!”

“Where d’you think you’re going?!”

Now, don’t go thinking I’m the good guy, but I… Can’t. Stand. Bullies.

I turn the corner, seeing two guys, following a girl. She didn’t look very strong. Defenseless; innocent, even.

“Are you deaf?”
“Turn around!”

She was ignoring them, which was a good thing. But these are the kind of bullies that don’t leave you alone. Hmm, they look tired… Maybe I should help them go to sleep.

One of them grabbed her arm; she spins around, anger flashing in those shining E/C eyes  of hers. She tugged her arm, but he wouldn’t let go.

You wouldn’t be able to tell, with my ever-lasting smile, but I was smirking. I pulled my knife out of my front hoodie pocket, stepping forward. And then, crack.

She-she had punched him! Broke his nose, too, nonetheless! This lady had guts, that’s for sure...or she just wasn’t the right person to mess with.

I leaned against a tree, enjoying the show that was unfolding before me. Nosey had stumbled back, holding his bleeding face. She kicked his sunshine-zone, sending him to the ground. She turned to the other guy, bringing out dual knives, with sharpened, curved blades. (Like in the picture.) A dangerous smile was on her lips as she slashed up his face, ruby red blood spurting everywhere, an agonizing scream heard as his eye starts to bleed.

I was right. This girl was definitely  not to be messed with. I’d even have some serious problems taking her down. I don’t know why, but for some reason, I feel like I should keep her around.

The other guy had fallen to the ground, holding his hand over his eye. He’ll never see again, if he even lives.

“Need some help with those?” I ask, crossing my arms.

She spins around, facing me. She’s still holding her knives, glaring at mine. I mentally face-palm, putting back in my pocket.

“Had fun with those, didn’t you, sweetie~?” I say softly.

“I guess.” I see Nosey coming up behind her. “And don’t call me-” She turned around, stabbing him in the shoulder, making him fall back. “-sweetie.”

“Then what can I call you?” I ask.

“Uh, how about my name? It’s Y/N.” She looks up at me. “What about you?”


“Cool, I guess. Well, it’s late, and I don’t wanna get raped. See you.” She flicks some hair out of her face before turning; then it hits me.

I know this girl. I’ve seen her before.

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