
54 4 26

Sugawara Koushi

It's the morning after and we are zigzagging across the countryside on our way home from a party that turned insane.

He dozes off on my shoulder. Wakes up suddenly, apologizes looks the other way.

So tell me how
Tell me how i can tell him i love him?
So tell me how

Sugawara slowly caressed the sleeping boy's hair. slowly and gently like he's afraid of hurting him more than he is already hurt.

He knew that his platonic crush, the one sleeping, had a crush on someone else.

At the party, Sugawara watched his crush watch Iwaizumi.

'why him' whispered Sugawara to himself in the train on the way to their neighborhood.
'why not me.?'
Iwaizumi was mean to no one but Oikawa. he was probably straight and also Sugawara was a better match for Oikawa, thought Sugawara when the train stopped.
He quickly emptied his mind and slowly poked Oikawa's shoulder.

"it's our stop."
Oikawa let out some sleepy whining and got up.
'he is adorable' thought Sugawara.

it was 6.30 in the morning so they were the only people on the train.

Oikawa was hungover.
Sugawara was in better condition as he was the more responsible one.

>* ))))><

The neighbor come a-knocking said she'd call the cops. He said, "i'll turn down the stereo" pretended to adjust the volume knob.

He's my best friend. And we can talk about anything as long as it's about nothing. As long as it don't cut deeper than the skin.

Tell me how
Tell me how i can tell him i love him
So tell me how
Tell me how i can tell him i love him, so
Tell me how

I mean i guess he knows
Just like i know when he says something funny and i laugh from my belly or when Sandra left him and i held him when he cried. For a moment he left his guard down and so did i.

But it's so deep within me, the way a man should be.
Passed on through generations of men before me.
A line drawn in the sand to keep us apart.
A rusty, old padlock hanging on our hearts.

So tell me how

>* ))))><

We part ways at the station
He's got his bike and he rides into the gap 'tween day and night.
Before he's gone he shouts, "Later, dude"
I think "Yeah, i love you, too"

>* ))))><

the italic texts are a song : How can i tell him by Jens LEKMAN and i thought this song represents their past so here it is.. Suga and Oikawa's past :)

Sugawara had a crush on Oikawa for the longest time and even though Oikawa never told him about his crush on Iwaizumi, Sugawara always knew because he always watched Oikawa watch Iwaizumi :))

>* ))))><

multimedia credits: https://blackkatmagic.tumblr.com/image/153944847880
go support the artist ٩( 'ω' )و

2 episodes in a row 😳😳 sey_el Vwinona

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