His Voice...

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The first few times I ran across the rooftops in Paris, I felt like nothing could go wrong. Everything would be alright. 

But this time...

It's different.

Fu wanted what was best. He always has.

But he just dumped a whole lot more responsibility on my shoulders.

I'm barely treading water as it is. I'm afraid that at any second, I will start to drown.

I hear a ring and know that Chat is calling me.

I stop where I am and answer.

"I'm sorry. I lost him." he says. He eyebrows are scrunched up and a frown is plastered upon his face. He's not quite angry but also not sad.


Perhaps he's disappointed with himself.

"It's okay. We should meet up. A lot just happened."

"Yeah. Our spot?"

"You mean the Eiffel Tower?"

"Yeah, that's our spot. It's where this whole thing started."

I smile and respond with "Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

With that, I end the call and start running again. I get to the Eiffel Tower first and sit down.

The cold air feels nice on my skin.

So peaceful.

So calm.

But I know that feeling will not last.

It never has.

It never will.


I sigh and call M'Lady.

"I'm sorry. I lost him." We take a moment and just stare at each other. I look in her eyes and see fear. But more than that, she's tired.

I wonder what happened.

She breaks the silence with "It's okay. We should meet up. A lot just happened."

Hopefully she'll tell me what happened.

"Yeah. Our spot"

"You mean the Eiffel Tower?"

"Yeah, that's our spot. It's where this whole thing started."

She's says alright and we end the call. 

When I finally get there, I see her sitting on a beam staring at something in her hands.

"What is that?" I ask as I walk across the beam. 

"The Miraculous' box."


"But, it didn't... it didn't look like that before. And why do you have it?"

"He gave it to me... and he left."

I sit down next to her and my brain doesn't quite understand what she's saying.

"What do you mean he left?"

"I took him away from the battle. At one point, he told me to stop. He gave me the box. He took off his miraculous and gave that as well. He told me that he couldn't be the guardian of the Miraculous' anymore. And he decided to give me that responsibility."

"It'll be alright."

"You don't know that."

"You don't know that it won't."

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