My Wife, My House, My Business... Everything I need

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I feel my face flush red at the sight of my parents. I turn to Adrien and see him waving at my parents. I laugh and put my face in my hands.

"I'll deal with this. You head home, ok?" I say

He looks at the ground and says "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

He turns and walks away. I watch as he walks don the street. After letting out a deep breath, I turn back to my parents and walk into the bakery. As soon as I walked in, I knew. I knew I wouldn't be getting out of this embarrassing conversation.

I prepare myself as I see my father's mouth open.

"So how's your day been, honey?"


Is he not going to...?

"I had a good time hanging out with my friends." I say.

"We're glad you had such a good time" my mother states' "Do you have all of your homework done?"

I smile and reply with "Yes, I was going to work on the costumes for the play."

"Oh, that's right! How are those going?"

"I've only completed two but I might be able to finish another two tonight."

"Why don't you take some cookies for while you work?" papa asks while holding out a plate of cookies.

"Thank you" is all I say as I grab three and run upstairs.

Why didn't they say anything?

I hand a cookie over to Tiki and shove one in my mouth. I smile as I taste the perfection of my father's baking. In the corner of my eye, I see the Carapace and the Rena Rouge costumes. I kind of forgot about the play and all the work I need to do for it. All the work has kind of gotten away from me. 

I pull out a box from under my desk and pull out my supplies. For the next few hours, I stitch a red and black suit. Taking extra care around the feet and hands. You need it to fit just right around the hands so it doesn't look bunchy but it also needs to be flexible. For a few seconds, I stare at the feet of the costume.

I run to my closet and pull out an old pair of shoes. The soles are still in good shape but the fabric on top has some holes. From what, I don't remember. I cut off most of the fabric on the shoe and start cutting fabric to fit my feet. 

Essentially, I'm making some boots with enough overlap to cover up the end of the suit.

I turn my focus onto the mask and let my hands work.

Sabine (Mari's mom)

I chuckle as my daughter heads up to her room. We'll probably tease her a little later but we figured it was better to just let it be for now.

Such a sweet boy too! He looks like he needs some good homemade cooking.

Perhaps we should invite him to dinner...


I stare at the door and hope. I hope Adrien will walk through that door so I can whisk him off to his room. I hate that he would be trapped in his room but it would be better than his father realizing he got home so late.

He walks through the door and I breath out a sigh of relief. I stand up and walk to him.

"If you are quick then you might be able to slip by without him knowing" I say in a hushed tone. 

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