Chapit Kat

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I know what you're thinking. How is this even possible. Granted believing the concept of werewolves is outrageous enough. Generally speaking, when you hear werewolves, you think that vampires may exist too. Well, I've never come across one of those, they sound utterly disgusting anyway. But back to where I was going...other supernatural beings have to exist right?

I am not talking about your walking dead, brain eating, falling flesh zombies. These zombies, Haitian zombies created by vodou, are real. Bokors, which are vodou sorcerers, use a magical potion that turns the recently dead into mindless, soulless minions by taking control of their ti bon ange, the part of the soul that's directly connected to a person. I know the shit sounds crazy and I would never believe it if I hadn't seen it for myself.

"What do you mean they turned your brother into a zombie?!" my father yelled with a look of angst on his face.

We all stood still in line, but I know like me, everyone had to be thinking the same thing. Who the fuck was dealing with the evil vodou preist?

As we listened to the guard tell his story about how his brother had been acting weird the last few weeks, he described how he had fallen ill all of a sudden and died without warning. They buried him immediately the day before. Wanting to keep some normalcy in his life and suppress his hurt feelings, he decided to fulfill his duties as patrol guard. All was fine until he saw someone approaching in the distance. He spoke to the man that was walking his way and warned him that he was attempting to enter an area where he was not allowed. Receiving no response, he reached out to the other guards to let them know what was going on. Before he could even finish his update, he realized that this man was in fact his dead brother.

"My king," the look of pure fear took over his features, "I thought that he was here to kill me, but he was not." He dropped his head and immediately looked in my direction.

My father knelt down beside him, placing a steady hand on his trembling shoulder. "What did he want?" he asked in a way that demanded him to finish describing the encounter.

"He had a message. At first, I could not understand him. He just stared blankly ahead, repeating the same thing over and over again."

'He is coming, in three days time. He will rule. He will take the princess and the kingdom will be his.'

In that moment, I felt my heart drop and all eyes were focused on me. Who the hell is he, and what does he want with me and my kingdom?

Regaining his composure, my father stood up, requested that the guard's brother be delivered to one of our protected bunker cells. "Eva, you and Michel take leave to Carrefour and find a woman. Her name is Fabienne. She is a Ginen vodouisant, a servant of the spirits. Bring her back so that we may quickly find out what we are up against and take care of the threat before it is too late."

Bowing slightly, we hopped into an awaiting car taking off towards Carrefour to find this woman. Usually we would go in wolf form because the travel time would be cut down tremendously, but because we would need to bring her back with us, the car was the best bet.

"What do you think is going on?" Michel looked over at me as he placed a soft hand on my thigh, awaiting an answer that I didn't have.

Placing my hand on his, but continuing to look out the window I replied, "I don't know. It's crazy that we haven't had any type of threat in so long. What's even crazier is that it's a vodou threat. Like who the fuck is messing with the evil spirits, and why do they want me?!" I didn't realize how nervous I really was until my voice cracked.

Usually if there was any kind of threat to us, we handled it in a fight like any respectable wolf would. But what do you do when you're targeted by things that you can't see and really don't understand?

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