Chapit Senk

142 12 8

"This is bullshit!" Michel fumed as we took the stairs up to my bedroom. "Fuuuucccckkkk!" I watched pieces of the wall crumble beneath his heavy fist. "I'm going with you."

"As much as I want you to, you know you have to stay here and help protect our home, Michel." I grabbed his hand and dusted the drywall from his knuckles. Lucky for him this is one of the few walls that isn't made from stone in this house. Strangely, I found myself giggling at the absurdity of the moment.

I was stunned and confused by the news that was just delivered to us, but I had the sense to mind-link Stacy and Tam to meet me here. They were already waiting in my room when we walked in. Having all of my best friends in together at once was bound to bring me some kind of peace to face my fate head on, right?

"Can someone enlighten us on what the hell is going on and why the domestik are packing up all of your things?!" Tam's face was frantic. "We were just having a girls' night and now all of a sudden Stacy's found her soulmate and you're leaving?" She began to cry.

I reached out my arms to pull Tam into a tight hug and Stacy let go of Philip, who had decided to stay here a few extra days, to join us in the embrace.

"Damnit, I've always wanted us to go to Miami, just not under these circumstances, and definitely not you without us," I could tell Stacy was trying to lighten the mood with a forced smile through her tears.

"It's really too much to explain, but to keep everybody safe, I'll only be gone for a little while." I feigned a lopsided smile to ease the tension a little more. "I don't know for how long, but once I meet up with the Nwa Lalune alpha we're supposed to come up with a plan or something to defeat the asshole that's threatening us."

I honestly don't know what the hell is going on. I just know that 24 hours ago my life was perfectly normal. I had my pack, my girls, my lover, my life. But now, in the next 24 hours, not only will I be in a different country, but I'll be assimilating with a new pack, and making plans with an alpha that I know nothing about. Oh how I wish I could turn back time.

I broke free of our hug when I heard my phone ding.

LENA: Hey cuz!

Me: Sak pase Lena Bena!

LENA: Mom and Dad told me about the shitty sitch, but biiiiiiiiittttttccccchhhhhh!!! We get to hang out and I am so pumped.

Me: LOL! Yea things are a lotta cray cray, but I'm excited to see you guys. I wish the circumstances were better though.

LENA: Same...I'll let you go. I know you're probz busy packing, just know that when you touch down, we're gonna fuck it up like only we can. Grab some drinks, shake some ass!

Me: Girl you are crazy! But I can't wait. Love ya!

LENA: LY2! I'll have to tell you about our fine ass new alpha later ;D Ttyl

Finally, a real smile crossed my face. I am definitely looking forward to spending some quality time with my cousin Lena. Whenever we get together we always have a good time. Plus, we share a very similar taste, so if she says the new alpha is fine, then maybe working with him won't be too bad...

*Ethan POV*

*Ethan POV*

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