Chapit Twa

156 15 4

As everyone cleared the yard, I remained sitting in the dirt, downing my second bottle of water enjoying the kiss of the sun and the slight breeze against my flushed skin. I leaned back on my elbows allowing myself to become one with nature, if for only just for a moment. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel the presence of another, and eyes attempting to peer into my soul.

"You know, staring is rude," I didn't even bother to open my eyes as his musky, yet sweet scent filled my nostrils. I inhaled deeply just as the breeze forced more of him onto my senses, causing a shiver down my spine.

"Then call me the rudest man on the planet, because I'll always stare at you baby."

"Rudest man, or corniest?" I let out a giggle as I threw my now empty water bottle in his direction.

He sat down behind me with his back leaning against mine. "I heard Stacy found her mate last night," he said as I felt the muscles in his back flex.

"Yeah, she did. Phillip seems like a really good guy and I think they're going to be great for each other." I smiled, even though it forced me to think of my own unmated situation.

As if he could feel my uneasiness, he jumped to his feet and I instantly saw his now discarded shorts and shoes fall into a pile next to me. Shielding my face from the sun, I looked up to see him now standing next to me in all of his naked glory. I drank in all of his beauty, starting from his perfectly rounded shoulders, strong chest and arms that are covered in intricate tattoos, down to his rippled abdomen. I bit my lip unintentionally as I made my way down to his semi-erect manhood that even in this state was doing that jumpy thing that I find so sexy. I've seen him like this so many times that it shouldn't even affect me like this but... "Damn..." I'm not even sure if it was a gulp or a whisper, forgetting that we were still outside in plain view of anyone walking by.

He let out a deep chuckle that made his not-so-little friend bounce and placed his hands on his hips, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. "Get your head out of the gutter, Princess. I felt your 'woe is me, where is my mate' vibe and wanted to take you out for a run. You know, just to clear your head."

I scrunched my nose at him, but reached out for his hand to help me up. Wiping the dust off of my butt, I slipped out of my sweatshirt, kicked off my shoes and began to remove my pants when I heard him growl behind me. Smiling, I didn't even bother to turn around as I knew his gaze was on my thong clad ass. I shifted into my wolf, allowing her to take control as we bolted towards the woods leaving Michel behind.

Feeling the earth beneath my paws, avoiding low lying branches, and jumping those that had fallen, I felt his wolf catch up with me in no time. His wolf is just as majestic as he is. Sporting his signature honey brown eyes, his light brown wolf is gorgeous with all of his paws seeming as if they were each dipped into to different colors of brown paint. He's adorable and I tell him every chance I get.

We finally reached our destination, a hidden fresh water lake that is on the far edge of our pack territory that no one ever visits, but us seemingly. I lowered my snout to quench my thirst, taking in the view of my very own chocolate brown wolf with a patch of white on my left ear and under my right eye.

 I lowered my snout to quench my thirst, taking in the view of my very own chocolate brown wolf with a patch of white on my left ear and under my right eye

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