Killua x gameing Reader

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Relationship: boyfriend
You sat on the floor in front of the tv in your shared bedroom. Killua sat behind you on the bed watching you. You had on your headset and where playing with some friends. "Y/n! Come to me! Quick!" Your friend yelled at you through your headset. "I'm coming, relax" you replied. "Hey y/n?" Killua said trying to get your attention. "Yea what's up Kill?" You replied keeping your focus on the game. "I'm bored, can't we do something fun?" He asked. "Y/n hurry! There's people coming!" Your friend yelled in your headset again. "That's nice Kill" you said. "Got him!" You said as you killed someone in the game. Killua crosses his arms and pouted a little. "Come on y/n! You play this all the time!" Killua said. "And?" You said to him. "Well you never hang out with me anymore" he pouted again. "Sorry" you said, "yes another kill!" Killua grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. You didn't really pay any attention. He started rubbing your inner thigh, causing you to blush slightly. He started licking and biting your neck. You tried your best to hide your moans and whimpers. "H-hey guys I have to go" you said. You where a blushing mess. "But we're in the middle of a game-" "Yea I know right? Ok bye guys" you interrupted your friend and took of your headset. You turned off your council and looked at Killua. "Finally" he said. "Why don't you ever give me attention~?" He complained. "Sorry, guess I get kinda caught up in my game" you said. He threw you onto the pillow and climbed on top of you. "I'll show you a game I like~" he grinned.

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