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Relationship status: crush
You, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio all where pretty great friends. It's been pretty boring hanging around so you all decided to go on a trip. A trip to Florida. You where in your bedroom packing for the trip. You where leaving tomorrow so you had to hurry. You finished packing and jumped into your bed ready for some sleep. You've been packing all day so you where pretty tired.
~the next morning~
You woke up and looked at the time. 11:30. 'Crap! Leorio said he'd be here at 12!' You thought to yourself. You jumped out of bed and got dressed. You looked out the window and saw Leorio pulling up to your house. You grabbed your stuff and started walking to the front door. You open the door and see Killua standing there. "Jesus, we're not gonna be gone for that long" he said looking at your stuff. "Shut up already" you said. He walked back to the car. You shut and locked your door and followed him. You put your stuff in the trunk and opened the back door. "Move over, I'm not sitting in the middle" you said to Killua. "Hell no" he said. You crossed your arms and stared at him. "Move over" you said again. "Fine but I'm sleeping on you if I get tired" he moved into the middle and pouted. You sat next to him and got comfortable. After a while of driving, you felt something on your shoulder. You look and see what it was. It was Killua. He was sleeping with his head resting on your shoulder. You blushed and smiled slightly. Before you knew it, you laid your head on his and fell asleep too. When you woke up, you looked out the window. It was dark and you where pulling into a motel. "Oh hey your awake" Kurapika said. "Where are we?" You asked sleepily. "We're at a motel so we can get some sleep" he replied. "Oh ok" you said. You laid your head back down and ended up falling back asleep.
~Killua pov~
Leorio pulled into a parking spot. "Killua, can you carry y/n into the room?" Kurapika asked me. I sighed. "Yea I can" I said. Gon opened his door and got out. I followed behind and walked around to y/n's side. I opened her door, unbuckled her seatbelt, and grabbed her bridal style. It was pretty warm out so while Leorio and Kurapika went to get us a room, me and Gon stood by the car outside. "It's a pretty nice night" Gon said. "Yea" I agreed. I wasn't really paying attention though. All I could do was stare down at the beauty in my arms.
                         ~no one POV~
Killua blushed slightly as he stared down at you. "Oh hey, Kurapika and Leorio are back" Gon said. Killua turned his head to see them walking back. "We got the room, grab whatever you need" Kurapika said. "Hey Gon, can you grab my phone?" Killua asked. "Yea sure" Gon said. He went back into the car and grabbed a few things, including Killua's phone. "Thanks" Killua said. Everyone started walking into the room they rented for the night. Everyone put the stuff they brought on the floor. Killua placed you gently in a bed. There where only two beds. "How is this gonna work?" Killua asked. "I can sleep on the floor" Gon said. "I get-" "I get the other bed" Leorio said and jumped onto the second bed. "I wanted the other bed" Killua mumbled and pouted. "Then I guess the three of us are sleeping on the floor" Kurapika said.
~in the middle of the night~
Killua rolled around on the floor trying to comfortable, but was failing. He sat up and looked around. Everyone was already asleep.
~Killua pov~
I stood up off the uncomfortable floor and walked over to the bed with y/n in it. I slowly moved the covers and climbed in the bed, making sure to not wake her. I got all comfortable and felt something on my arm. I turned my head to look. It was y/n. She was all nuzzled up on my arm. I blushed and smiled. I pulled her into my chest and held her tight until, I fell asleep.
~no one POV. Also it's the next morning~
When you woke up, you didn't really wake up. You where aware of what was happening around you, but you couldn't open your eyes. You heard some shuffling around and some talking. You slowly forced your eyes open. You realized you where in Killua's arms and blushed very hard. You wiggled out of his grip and sat up. Gon was curled up like a cat at the end of the bed. "Morning" Kurapika said. He was walking around gathering a few things. "What time is it?" You asked rubbing your eyes. "Time for you three to get up so we can get on our way" Kurapika said. He grabbed his back pack and walked outside. Leorio was nowhere in the room. "Guys get up" you said to the two sleeping boys. You stood up out of the bed and stared down at the two of them. "Guys!" You yelled. 'Damn the sleep heavy' you thought to yourself. You grabbed a pillow and smashed it on Killua's head and on Gon's shoulder. They both sat up quickly. "Ow" Killua said rubbing his head. "Well you guys wouldn't get up" you tossed the pillow back on the bed and crossed your arms. "Pillows hurt" Killua pouted. "They do that sometimes" you said. "We'll see you guys later, guess I get a whole backseat to myself" you smiled as you walked to the front of the hotel room towards the door. "Hey! No you don't" Killua and Gon jumped off the bed and ran at you. They both opened the door and ran past you. You giggled. "Hey wait up!" You said running after them. They where WAY faster than you. When you got to the car, Killua and Gon where already inside. "What took you so long?" Killua joked. "Hilarious" you said sarcastically, "now move over or I'll sit on your lap." Killua's cheeks grew bright pink. "W-what!?" He stuttered. "You heard me, now move" you said again.
                             ~Killua pov~
'She wouldn't actually do it would she?' I asked myself. 'No there's no way' I smirked knowing she wouldn't. "Well I'm not moving over" I said with a cocky tone. "Fine" she said. She climbed into the car and sat right on my lap. My face went pink again. "H-hey!" I shouted. "I warned you" she said.
                              ~no one pov~
Leorio drove the car away from the motel and started our journey once again. "Can you get off my now" Killua said still blushing. "Nope" you said back. "Surely this is illegal" Killua mumbled. After a while of driving, you finally made it to Florida. "So whats the house like that you rented?" You asked Leorio. "It's a pretty nice one. It's on a beach" he replied. "Ooo fun" you said. "That sounds awesome!" Gon shouted. "Yea it was really expensive so you guys better enjoy it" Leorio said. "How are you feeling Killua?" You asked. "I can't feel my legs" he complained. "Welp should have moved over when I told you to" you replied. "Oh by the way, there's only 4 rooms so someone is gonna have to share" Leorio said, "and I'm not." "I think y/n and Killua should since they where cuddling in bed at the motel" Gon and giggled. "Hey shut up you idiot!" Killua yelled at him while blushing. "Works for me" Kurapika said. "What!? Don't we get a say in this?!?" Killua shouted while pointing at you and himself. "I'm fine with it" you said. "Ugh!" Killua threw his head back. (Not in a sexual way). After 30 more minutes of driving, you finally made it to the house. Your eyes lit up as you stared at it. "It's beautiful" you said quietly. Leorio pulled into the drive way and parked the car. You swung the car door open and ran inside the house. It was a pretty big house. "So what room is ours?" Killua asked. "I don't know, you can pick it out of you want" you said looking around at the giant living room. "Ok fine" he said. He started walking around until he found a room he liked. He walked into one room and looked around. "Hey y/n! What's about this one?" He called out to you. You broke your gaze with the house and ran into the room Killua was in. "Ooo I like it" you said. Leorio walked into the room with both of your stuff. "Is this the room you picked?" He asked. "Yup" you replied. "Alright" he said. He put your guys stuff down and walked away. You looked around the room. There was a big bed in the middle and a dresser with a mirror facing the bed on the opposite side of the room. All in all, you thought this was gonna be a fun vacation.
I will gladly make a part two to this if y'all want me to. I have an idea which would make it kinda kinky but that's all part of the fun. 😘✌️Also pls don't make fun of any typos in here if there are any TwT.

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