Cutie and the Dork chapter 6

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“Please dad?”

“No, absolutely not.”

“Dad I'll be with them the whole time.”

“Not without any adults, no way.”

“Dad I'm seventeen next month.”

“That's not an adult, no way.”

“Mom! Help me!”

“We'll talk about this later.” I sighed even my mom wasn’t sticking up with me on this one.

“We're back!” My dad shouted as he walked in the door with my suitcase, I don't know why he insists on carrying it for me. I heard a faint grunt of a welcome from my brother and sighed. I guess our bonding wasn’t a lasting thing; he still called me like twice a week though.

“Hey virgin boy can't you say hi no more?” I asked walking into the den where he was playing call of duty.

“I'm not a virgin actually, brat.” He replied sharply, I laughed but he just grunted and continued playing his game. By the look on his face I guessed something was wrong and went over to him, expertly taking the pad out of his hand and pressing pause.

“What you doing?!” he exclaimed, I just looked at him seriously.

“What's up?” I asked him quietly.

“I don't want to talk about it, seriously.” He sounded as if he was pleading.

“Well I'm just going to bug you until you tell me.” I teased, he sighed and ran his hand through his softly waved blonde hair.

“Amy and I broke up.” He said quietly.

“What? Why?!” I was in complete shock, I couldn’t even hide it.

“Because she's... she's... she's pregnant.” He stuttered.

“Fuck!” I shouted, luckily my parents were out of ear shot.

“Yeah.” He looked down at his hands.

“So why did you break up?” I pushed.

“Because I told her to get rid of it.”

“Oh and she doesn't want to.”

“Exactly, I mean could you imagine me a father?” he laughed bitter and humourlessly.

“Yes I could Nathan, if she wants to keep the baby then what are you going to do? Sit here and play call of duty or take care of your kid?” I asked him assertively, he looked up at me and I could see the fear in his face.

“I know you're scared Nathan but you will be a great dad and you're going to NYC in the fall. You can get a career and be a great dad and husband. You do love her don't you?”

“Of course I do, I couldn’t imagine not being with her. We only broke up yesterday but I miss her so much.”

“Then you have to make this right.”

“Thanks Rhea, you're the best.” He said hugging me tightly and then he got up leaving me in the den. I called Bri and Rachel on conference call and they had just got in too. Rachel couldn’t talk because she had to meet the parents we wish her look. I told Bri my dad had said no but I was working on it and we said our goodbyes just as dinner was ready.

“Dinner!” Mom called to me I got up and went to the table.

“Mom, dad I have something I want to tell you.” Nathan said blushing scarlet.

“What is it son?” Dad asked munching on his chicken breast.

“Amy’s pregnant.” My dad choked on a piece of chicken and my mom’s face paled considerably.

“She wants to keep it and I'm going to stand by her.” Nathan continued, my dad recovered first.

“Nathan, I'm disappointed that you made this mistake in the first place but well done for being a man. Anything you need you tell us ok?” I stared at my dad in shock did that just come out of his mouth?!

“Well you're still going to NYC in the fall.” My mom said looking at dad like she was in as much shock as we were.

“I want to, but you'll help her won't you?” Nathan asked them tentatively.

“Of course.” My mom said smiling. Nathan rushed off to call Amy, I started to eat my dinner and then looked at my parents.

“I'm going to Paris.” I declared, even though they said no before I knew that with this bombshell that my brother just dropped on them they would have to say yes to me wanting to go to Paris, I had been countless times before with my mother so I knew it as well as I knew Rochester.

“Ok Rhea.” My dad looked drained and I felt slightly bad but dismissed it quickly it's not like I'm always demanding things off them.

“I'm paying anyway.” I said and they looked at me as if I had just sprouted three heads.

“How are you going to pay for that?”

“Tutoring. Oh yeah I passed my driving test on Wednesday.” I shrugged.

“Well done!” my dad smiled, I smiled in return and my mom got up, ran around the table and had me in a tight squeeze before I knew she had even stood.

“My little girl is all grown up. I'm so proud of you.” She whispered and kissed my cheek.

After I had eaten and helped my mom load the dishwasher I headed upstairs and went onto the internet on my laptop. I chatted to the girls, Rachel told me how well her meeting with Gareth’s parents had gone, they were headed to parties so they couldn’t stay online long. I shut down my laptop and laid on my bed; before I could even turn out my lamp I was asleep.

“Morning! Boring!” Nathan shouted banging pots in front of my face; I opened my eyes and scowled at him.

“Don't you have anything better to do than bother me every morning I'm here?” I asked him rhetorically.

“Nope.” He answered smiling.

“It was rhetorical.” I said dryly.

“I don't care.” I scowled and flung my legs up catching him in the side, he doubled over in pain and I laughed. I need to remember to lock my door I thought to myself leaving him leaning over my bed still winded.

“Morning Amy.” I said seeing Amy eating some scrambled eggs and toast.

“Morning.” She smiled.

“How far gone are you?”

“14 weeks.” She replied her face was as red as the stool she was sat on.

“Did you know when I was last here?” I asked her grabbing some milk out of the fridge.

“No, I only found out because I was putting on weight so I went to the doctor and then he told me I was pregnant.”

“You don't look as if you've out on weight.” I said looking at her closely.

“I've put on 10 pounds.” She replied quietly.

“Oh, well you can't tell. I never did say congratulations did I?”

“Urm, I guess not.”

“Well congratulations, you're like a sister to me already. So now you definitely will be here more than me and I'm glad. I miss you when I'm not here.” I was shocked by what I said but it was true she was like a sister to me. Before her and my brother got together they had been best friends since kindergarten.

“Thank you.” She smiled as I started munching on my bowl of cheerio’s.

The next week passed so quickly and I saw the first scans of my niece/nephew, so cute by the way! When she gets to 20 weeks pregnant or something she's going to get 3d scans done, she promised she'll send one to me. She wants the baby to have my parent’s names as middle names depending on the sex and definitely our family surname of Hayes. They are so cute and I can't believe how excited my brother is! Thank god I talked him round. 

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