Chapter 2

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"Sir, we sent the beast out to find the elven tribes and we have found no information from them..."

"*sigh* Must you come to me at my time of peace?"

"I'm very sorry, Sir, but I do also have some good information."

"And what is that?"

"The beast has destroyed all the elven tribes to the south and is circling to the north to find more tribes. It should report back soon."

"Good. But did it happen to strike a non-elf village off the coast of the southern islands? I've heard that there had been a dragon attack there."

"N-no, Sir. The beast only catches elves scents, not humans."

"I see. Keep up the work, and tell your little sister that you have made your master proud..."

"Oh well thank you Sir-... My little sister is... dead... though..."



The sweat that loomed over Sinbad's head dripped down onto his forehead as he sat through the burning sun. At the moment, he was on a small raft that his father had built when he was younger, and was fishing. Of course, though, he couldn't cook the fish, but what the heck... it's better than nothing, right?

"*snore*" Sinbad looked over at Drakon, who was snoring in his sleep. He chuckled, poking his friend to awake him. "Hm...?"

"You better get up if you want some raw fish!" Sinbad lightened. Drakon sighed, sitting up. He rubbed the back of his neck, it straining for a moment.

"How come I slept on a boat for 5 years of my life and had no neck or back problems, yet when I sleep on a raft for a few days I have the worst case of them...?" Sinbad chuckled, handing Drakon a raw fish.

"Eat up!" He called, cheerfully. Drakon smiled a pity smile at Sinbad, taking a bite out of the fish. It tasted horrible, but it was better than eating nothing. He looked over at Sinbad, who was starting to eat his own fish. Although his face showed no sadness, no remorse, just happinesses, his eyes said otherwise. Drakon could see what Sinbad had seen that day...

The huge, fire breathing beast, putting flames to all the homes it towered over. The screams of so many friends as they were burned alive, their flesh practically melting off their bones. The putrid smell of ash that burned from house to house. And worst of all, his own family being ripped apart in half by the dragons teeth.

Drakon was only asleep when it had all occurred, and his brother had taken him to safety long after those events happened. When he was brought to safety, he was with Sinbad, who looked horrible. He had been shaking, head-to-toe, crying. There was nothing Drakon could've done for his friend, except sooth him with calming whispers. Sinbad had requested that they go back to find Hina, but they saw him run off with Pipirika afterwards. Then they ended up here, on the raft.

"What's with that stare, Drakon? It looks like you've seen a ghost!" Sinbad commented, pointing out that Drakon had been staring at him for far too long for comfort. Drakon turned bright pink as he looked away.

"I-I was just lost in thought!"

"Oh? About who, exactly? Serendine? Or was it me?" Ok, if Drakon didn't look like a tomato before, he sure did now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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