You can't love me. (Dempeo)

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"Hey, El!" I walk into our trailer. 

"Hey, Paddy." She doesn't make eye contact. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her yesterday. I just wanted to, so badly. I was jealous because of that guy and she just looked so good. My emotions got in the way. 

"I'm glad the bomb episode is over with, that was stressful." I attempt to lighten the mood. 

"Yeah, it was. The Meredith and Derek moment at the end was kinda cute though. You know, when Derek comes over to see her and then reminds her of their last kiss." She softly laughs. 

"Hey, do you know Eric Dane?" I personally have never heard of him. I know he's supposed to be playing Mark Sloan which is Addison's ex lover and Derek's ex best friend. 

"Uhm, nope. I don't know him. I know he's playing Mark Sloan, though." She walks over to the sink to wash her dishes. 

"Ellen, what's going on? You act like you don't even want to talk to me." I walk over behind her. I want to know if it was the kiss that bothered her or if it was something else. I know I kissed her, but she did kiss me back. She said we'd remain friends. 

"Patrick." She slams the town down. "Chris and I broke up last night." She sighs. This, this is good. We have one of our partners out the way. I've never thought about leaving Jillian because I have feelings for Ellen, but what if I do. I could leave Jillian, and finally have Ellen. I'd have her all to myself. No more Chris touching her and making me feel sick. I wouldn't have to lie to Jillian. 

"El, I'm so sorry. I really am." I pull her into a hug. I'm not sorry. I mean i'm not sorry they broke up at all. I'm sorry if the break up hurt her, but I'm glad he's gone. 

"What happened?" I let go to face her. I gently place a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Last night 

Ellen's Pov

"Christopher! I'm home." I sit my bag down and collapse on the couch. Today has been a very long day. 

Patrick and I had to finish up scenes from the bomb episodes, and there was some tension. He kissed me yesterday. I kissed him back. I mean I know we had that heated make out scene of camera, but we shouldn't let it keep happening. I know what I have to do.

I have to get back in the groove with Chris. If him and I get more intimate, my whole feelings will regain for him. All those stupid little feelings I have for Patrick will just simply, disappear. 

Where is he? I told him I was home 5 minutes ago. I know he's here. His car is in the front. Maybe he's upstairs. 

I walk up stairs. While walking I hear weird noises. 

No, he can't be cheating. Not again. 

I prepare myself when opening the door. The best possibility is that he's just watching porn, very loudly. Realistically though, I don't think that's what I'm going to walk in on. 

I open the door carefully and quietly. 

I know it shouldn't shock me, my heart drops. 

His on and off again girl that he used to sleep with during the early stage of our relationship. Jessica. 

"Christopher?!" I yell. The moaning stops. 

I watch as he pull's out of her, not wearing any protection. I know not to have sex with them ever again. She may have an STD. 

"Ellen, baby." He grabs his underwear from the floor.

I watch as Jessica try's to get herself together, I completely ignore Chris. She does it in a swift motion, she kind of seems... embarrassed. I don't feel bad for her though, she knows that Chris and I are together. 

"Chris, what the hell? You said you broke up with Ellen two months ago!" I stand corrected, she didn't know. She should've known better though. Her heart was shattered when Chris left her for me two years ago. I can't help but wonder if they've been in contact for awhile now. 

"Jessica! Just get out. Get the fuck out!" Chris yells. 

"No Jessica, please stay. I'm going to grab some of my thing's and get out of your guys' hair." I smile. 

"Ellen, she means nothing. I'm so sorry. I was at Jacked Out Bar and she recognized me me. I just wanted to grab a drink and then I was going to leave. She basically threw herself on me." Chris begs for my forgiveness. 

"Ellen, don't believe that, please! Here, i'll show you the messages. He told me to meet him at that bar." Jessica come's up to me. 

"Jessica, I wont tell you again to leave!" Chris yells. Jessica runs out the door. I waste no time to grab my things. I'm not going to stay with a man I not only do not love anymore, but also is a cheater. 

"Ellen, please. Let's work this out. I love you." I push him out the way.

"No. We're done. Get you're shit out by tomorrow. I'll leave tonight, but I want you gone by the time I get home tomorrow." I slam the door as I walk out.

I get into my car and just start driving. I don't know where i'm going but I know good as hell i'm leaving this house. I could text Patrick. No, no I can't do that. 

I head to set, I'll just sleep in the trailer for tonight. 

Back to present 

Patricks POV

"Wow, I can't believe he did that." How could someone cheat on a women that's the definition of perfect? I should go beat his ass for that. God knows, I'd love to be in his spot. To have Ellen all to myself.

"I'm a single women now." She pulls at the collar of my shirt. 

"Ellen, you just had a breakup. It would be wrong for me to take advantage of that." 

"Mm, I was happy about Chris cheating actually. It gave me a reason to break up with him. I want you now more than ever." She whispers into my ear.

"Hey love birds. C'mon, we're all meeting the new guy, Eric Dane." Kate barges in. 

"We really need to lock the trailer when we're in here." I sigh. 

(REWRITING) You can't love me. (dempeo)Where stories live. Discover now