s. todoroki x reader⚡️

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Train Wreck - James Arthur


TW - Blood + Gore

Heavy angst (this hurt to write)


Word count -  1080


3rd Person View

It had been so quiet a pin could drop. At random moments, there would be booms that echoed throughout the slowly decaying towns. Shoto Todoroki laid in the middle of a cleared out battlefield, the only things left over after the battle had been large chunks of debris. As he started to gain back his consciousness, he groaned in pain. Blood had covered half of his face after he had hit his head on falling debris before he had blacked out. When he started to open his eyes, he had noticed the world was blurry and it felt like it was spinning at 100 miles per hour.

At a slower pace and has Todoroki started to stand back up, he remembered what had happened leading up to it. His adrenaline jolted him onto his feet and he climbed up to a larger vantage point. When he looked around, he found what he had been looking for. Laying in the rubble, in a similar way that he had been, was Y/n.

Todoroki rushed over to where they had been and noticed that their leg starting at the knee, had been twisted at the wrong angle. There had been blood slowly oozing out of the area around their hip, and a nail shoved into their foot. He grabs his first aid kit, wondering if he has anything there that could help the wound, and put it at bay for now. He had grabbed some simple bandage wraps to cover up the hip wound, but couldn't do too much about the other one.

He looks around the now empty battlefield, with the wind pushing his hair around like nothing. Nobody had been in his line of sight. Not he even his father, who he had been interning with and was only a few days into it. He couldn't even hear sirens, probably due to the road systems being blocked off. His heart had started to beat faster and faster as he looked down at Y/n, who had blood spilled all over the left side of her mid-body.

Todoroki had started to notice small movements around the face and knew that they were going to jump back into reality and pain any second now. After checking the med-kit one more time, just to make sure that he had anything to help. He had noticed the fact that there had been painkillers and a small thing of water. The plan was, once she woke up to give her the meds as fast as he can before the one he loves feels any extra pain then they are already gonna have to feel throughout this whole shit show.

While he is sat up against a rock which is right next to where they are, he looks down and notices that their eyes are starting to flutter open. He jumps back to their side and they start to gain back their consciousness. Y/n starts to lift their head off of the ground but Todoroki gently makes them put it back down as they realize what had happened. The pain had started to hit them and they leaned their head back as it hit them. It was slightly visible that they desperately wanted to yelp in pain.

He swiftly grabbed the pain-killers from where he had placed them, on a small ledge. After they had taken them, Y/n asked this question while the pills settled in their stomach. "Ok but like, where the fuck is your father?"

"The only time I actually wished I knew where he was, is right now." He moved his hair away from his face.

"That's just... great for us." They stared off into the smoke-filled sky and sigh. He couldn't tell if the pain was subsiding or not by now. Y/n started to clench their hand in pain, Todoroki moved his hand over to theirs as it twitched, letting her hold and grasp that instead of just air. In the meantime, Shoto had to comfort them and talked about basic stuff they already knew, just to jog each other's memories and to make sure neither of them passed back out.

For example... "What's your favorite drink right now..." Y/n asked him.

"Iced black coffee, like it always has been"

"Is it not just normal because of the whole kettle thing."

"Well yeah." He answered back softly. On the outside at that moment, he acted fine. Inside though, even though he knew that the wounds hadn't been fatal, he was panicking. He hated to see them in this state of pain. He was terrified of losing her, he had already lost Toya. Not her too, please...

After a tiny bit of going back and forth, sirens could be heard in the distance. Shoto let go of their hand and stood up, then walking out of the tilted and destroyed building, and lighting a large stick on fire, and throwing it directly up into the sky. It had worked as a flare and redirected some of the ambulances. Soon enough, the blue and red light from the vehicles grew closer and closer to the scene where they stood.

Quickly, paramedics rushed over to where the couple had been. They had removed the nail from their foot and Todoroki was taken care of for his wounds which had included a dislocated wrist, a large gushing wound on his head, and a sprained ankle. He sat there, on the edge of the ambulance, mostly worried about Y/n as he could hear the metal clingings of people walking around in the next over vehicle.

One of the paramedics had been on her phone looking at something, with small amounts of audio coming out of it. When Shoto asked what she had been watching, she said that while she was waiting for one of the small tests things to complete, she wanted to see how the fight had been going.

"So, that's where that ass?" He asked them, she nodded in response and continued to do her job.

'Either he left us for glory, or we got split up/ cut off from each other. At least they're saying Y/n is going to be alright and it's nothing long term.' Todoroki thought to himself as he sat on the stretcher, with wires hooked up to him from all over.

time is irrelevant - bnha one-shots :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang