shinso x reader⚡️☁️

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Wires - The Neighbourhood


TW - Running away


Word count : 912


Y/n's Point of View

     Rain poured down onto my body. I had only been running after him for a few minutes and was already drenched in both sweat and water. At this point, I could barely even keep up with him due to him having trained with Aizawa before. Cars drove past us and I could tell the drivers had just stared at us in confusion. Shinso was a little bit ahead of me, but due to the slight fog it was hard to see where he would turn next. UA had been a bit behind us at this point and basically there had been no turning back.

     While running, I saw the silohette of Shinso turn into a nearby alleyway, so I followed. Once I reached the alley, I looked around to see if he had jinx me. At first it had looked that way until  walking further into the dark and dimmed down alley. Then, I had noticed that one of the dumpsters had been opened slightly. When I opened it up, all I saw was a few things of trash bags. Suddenly, I heard a loud band, and I swung my head around as fast as I could have done and saw a dark figure with purple hair grab onto a ladder and climb straight up it.

     I climbed ontop of the dumpster I had been checking out and leaped off of that and grabbed tightly onto the ladder that he had just been on. Once I reached the top I started to bolt towards where I saw Shinso running to. I noticed that he had tripped over himself and used that chance to basically swan dive at him and tackle him to the ground. From where I was, I heard sirens blaring in the distance, probably searching for us. My hair fell over my face and I looked down at him. We had both been panting like crazy, due to all of the running we just did. I felt like I did laps around the sun.

     My knee had been placed onto his chest and I was basically kneeling on him. My right arm grabbed and held his right arm down from grabbing anything. His left arm tried to fight me back but I used my left foot to push it down. I felt like I was in a game of twister. The cold fall rain felt like needles on my back at a certain point, we had just looked at each other saying nothing and just staring at each others eyes. If I said anything, he would use his quirk on me and he would probably have a chance to run away from the situation.

     "What the fuck-" I finally break the silence. "Why'd you just runaway for no fucking reason..." He stays staring at me without saying anything for a while. I look around, the sirens are getting closer. "I was wrong about everything. I should have become what they wanted me to become." He tells me. I look back down, confused on what this meant.

     "The heroes, are the real villains of this story. I had heard rumors about it before and wanted to do my own research on it. I cant even, I asked Aizawa if everything was true and he confirmed it after he had worked with them from time to time because he used to work in the underground parts of Japan..." His voice had been slightly breaking as he talked. My eyes widened after hearing this. I loosened my grip on him. "Explain." I tell him

      For a tiny bit, he explains everything he found on the commission and then says this. "I went to Nezu afterwards, against what Aizawa had told me, which was to shut up about it. I challenged Nezu and the commission but he shut me down, lied to pro heroes and said I had KILLED SOMEONE and done other crimes just to cover it up. I fucking hate it here." I stand fully back up and hold out my hand for him to grab, then pull up so he can get back up.

       I stare him in the eyes and look around. The sirens are growing closer and closer. He walks over to the edge of the building and looks over the city. It had been around sunset and if you turned towards the east, you could see the sun breaking through the clouds. At this point I could almost see the lights from where I was and I knew pro heroes were gonna come along with it. "Y/n you can join me if you want" He brushes his hair out of his face.

      It was too late for me to respond, I heard the pros approaching. I turn back towards him and run to where he stood and kissed him directly on the lips and held it like that for around 5-10 seconds, then letting go. "I'll see you soon, I promise." I looked back and saw him also running. I jumped down into the alleyway and took a back route to the UA campus.

     I opened up the dorm room doors of class 1A, everyone swung there heads around after I had just ran off to nowhere at that point. They all stared at me and I just replied with "He ran off, I couldn't find him." Which in the end, was a total lie.

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