dabi x reader☁️

7 0 0

feelings are fatal - mxmtoon


TW - Needles + Injuries


Word count - 829


Y/n's Point of View

I walked into the dark apartment and flicked on the kitchen lights. I threw my keys onto the counter and went to the fridge to grab some milk, then I swiftly grabbed the cereal (it can be any) and poured the cereal into the bowl for a tiny bit until I had been satisfied. After that, poured in the milk, then grabbing a spoon from the drawer and going over to the barstool area off of the kitchen island and sitting down. At that point, work had been so stressful due to me being a spy for the LOV onto the Hero Commission and I had no time to just sit back in so long that I had just zoned off.

When I had zoned off, my boyfriend must have somehow gotten into the apartment. While scrolling through my socials, I felt a jolt and someone shake me from the back. This had scared me so much that I had almost dropped my phone inside of the bowl of cereal. I swung my arm around without looking and hit him in the head, basically showing him that what he did was fucking stupid. I had spilled milk all over the counter after it had spattered upwards, so I went around the island and grabbed and a hand towel and threw it at him.

Something I hadn't realized when he first entered was that he had multiple wounds on his legs and torso and was slightly limping. "What the fuck did you do this time Dabi." I scold him.

"I had been doing a deal with these assholes and having a meeting with them when some dude decided to throw a beer bottle at me which started basically a riot in the meeting room." He explained. His voice had been more monotoned than usual probably due to the pain. I sighed and walked over to a drawer and grabbed a med-kit from it.

"What are you doing standing there, go sit down on the couch." I point to the living room portion of the apartment and he limps over to the area. While on my way there, I reach over to grab the towel that had been thrown onto the granate counter by Dabi earlier. He lays down onto the short part of the L-shaped couch, with his feet some-what dangling off of the end. I sat down next to him, unzipping the pouch. After doing that, he slowly takes off his jacket and I assist him in doing that.

I slowly start to patch him up while Dabi silently watches the news. From time to time, he'd let out a small yelp as I weaved through the gashing wounds that had lined the non-graphed parts of his skin around the torso and I had also noticed that the area around his knee looked off. When I looked at it closer, it was made noticable that he had slightly dislocated the knee which explains why he had been limping.

"Did you do like, anything to edge these guys on because holy shit." I stand up from where I had been sitting to grab some pain meds. He turned his head back so he could see me from where he had been seating. "Uhhh, well one dude had cursed at Toga and looked at her in a, you know, type of way so I gave him a long-lasting death stare and was ready to pound his ass."

I let out a laugh- "Ok honestly, you'd be a great big brother because damn." I walked back over to the couch and gave him the meds. After I had said that, he had totally ignored it and went back to watching the news, which had been covering a large explosion in a factory that took place in a small town. He swallowed the pills and I reached over down to his knee to pop it in place. (gurl I am NOT going into detail for that shit goodbye-)

After popping, I stiched up two more wounds that had been caused by the glass shards from the beer bottles, and then put bandages over them. When that had been done, I looked up from where I had been working on him and I saw that he was almost dazing off to sleep. Dabi had moved his head to look directly into my eyes and used his left arm to pull me into a cuddling position with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me.

      I felt a sudden warmth on the top of my head which I already knew was him kissing me. I smiled in response and curled up into more of a ball position. When I had looked back up after it had been around 10 minutes of cuddling, I saw that he had been totally asleep.

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