Are We So Unlucky

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Are we so unlucky that the gods chose to curse and hunt us, or are we so steadfast, so faithful, so true to ourselves that we gave them no choice.

The thought lingers in and out of their mind
Did they deserve it? Did I deserve it?
No, I suppose it makes sense they didn't.
And yet nagging at the back of their mind,
Yes, I deserve this
And the line comes back again,

Are we so unlucky that the gods chose to curse and hunt us, or are we so steadfast, so faithful, so true to ourselves that we gave them no choice.

Lovers come and just quickly leave their life.
Did they deserve it? Did I deserve it?
And perhaps in a way it made sense that they did.
Again, nagging at the back of their mind,
Yes, I deserve this
And the line comes back again,

Are we so unlucky that the gods chose to curse and hunt us, or are we so steadfast, so faithful, so true to ourselves that we gave them no choice.

Passion bites and presses into their skin
Did they deserve it? Did I deserve it?
And in the moment it seemed they did.
Always nagging at the back of their mind,
Yes, I deserve this
And the line comes back again,

Are we so unlucky that the gods chose to curse and hunt us, or are we so steadfast, so faithful, so true to ourselves that we gave them no choice.

Bruises stain while feelings fade from their heart
Did they deserve it? Did I deserve it?
There is no reason for them to truly believe they did.
Endless nagging at the back of their mind,
Yes, I deserve this
And the line comes back again,

Are we so unlucky that the gods chose to curse and hunt us, or are we so steadfast, so faithful, so true to ourselves that we gave them no choice.

The Poetry of a Young Dreamer Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt