Chapter 1: Let It Begin

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Movements when in pov

3rd person

Running down the street was a young man. Splashing causing noise with every foot fall, unbeknownst to him he was being followed by a woman. The woman had been following him for over an hour now and at first was excited..... That was before the rain hit. Now she was thoroughly soaked and grumpy not to mention cold.

Suddenly the young man darts down an alley trying to find cover from the storm and luckily finds an overhang that blocks some of the water.

??? Pov

*Finally! That bastard made a slip up. He thinks he can hide in an alley*

At this thought the woman giggles a little. When she turns the corner she runs right into the young man.

"Oh! Sorry Miss are you ok?" The young man seems genuinely concerned.

"Oh I'm fine just a little cold from the rain and trying to get out of it for a little bit." She says with a small smile.

"Ummmm.... C-c-can I ask your name miss?" He seems a little nervous.

Smiling the woman holds out a hand.
"I'm Charlotte. What's yours?"

"I'm Eric. W-w-would you like to go back to my place. It's not that far away and it's warm?" Eric seems a little nervous as he asks.

*Yes! That's exactly what I needed haha* Charlotte thinks and smiles a little at Eric.

"That would be amazing! Thank you." I gently grab his hand so he can lead me to his house.

Time skip brought to by marshmallows floating in a cup of hot cocoa

In Eric's house: Same pov

After leading me in Eric gets me a small blanket then heads I to the kitchen and I can hear a kettle boil but I'm so cold that it doesn't really catch my attention.

*God Damn lousy rain! soaking me and making me cold! I have a job but how am I supposed to do it now!* I'm to busy getting mad at the weather glaring out a window to notice Eric place a cup in front of me so that when he pokes me I jump a little. When  I look at him on suprise realizing it's a cup of hot chocolate he smiles a little.

"Thought you could use something to warm you up." He says with a grin when noticing my expression.

*Damn it! Why did he have to be a nice guy. I have to eliminate him.... But ..... No I have a job to do.* This all goes on in my head as I sip my drink.

"Thank you it tastes really good!" I truly mean this but then about halfway I notice he hasn't touched his and I'm starting to get a little woozy.

He just starts grinning a little.
"Do you like it. Good cause it's the last thing your gonna drink... You'll notice your a little woozy but that's just the start." You hear him say this and look up on suprise.

"Oh yes I know exactly who you are Miss Beretta." Upon hearing this I realize he knows why I'm here so I start reaching for my gun but he smiles and wags a finger.

"Ah ah ah. Don't be to rash now. I knew who you were as soon as you started following me and I knew what you would try to do." I look at him just a little confused at first but then ask one thing.

"How...?" Hearing this he grins a lot more.

"You ask how eh? Well let's see you were following me at the same rate of speed I was going and followed my path so it was easy to figure out that you were after me. I realized who you were when we were in the alley so I knew someone took a hit out on me.*

He pauses here.

" Am I wrong" I simply shake my head.

"Good now night night" With that he hits me knocking me out.


So hear it is my first actual chapter. I hope you enjoy it but don't worry it'll get better.

So until next time
Just don't die

The BloodlustDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora