Chapter 2

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          The sun dropped below the horizon, and the moon took its place as we swam our way toward the banks of Midtown. Raine's speed, combined with my hate for the ocean, allowed her to reach the shore first. When I stepped out of the water and onto dry land, I looked up and saw her shaking her head like a wet dog. Don't know how much that helped. Her hair wouldn't dry for a while, but still she bent over and began to ring it out. I walked past her without saying a word. My job was done. She was out of harm's way. It was time to confront Papi. I looked at my watch, calculated my route back to headquarters, and began heading that direction when Raine ran up behind me. "Headed back ta base?" she asked.

          I kept walking. "Where else is there to go? Plus, I have business to attend to."

          "Ah, alright. Can I come?"

          I turned my head toward her. Something about the way the dim light reflected off her damp complexion caught my eye. "Uh—ain't nothing stopping you."

          "Coo, so what kinda business ya gat?"

          I was already regretting this. "None of yours."

          "' why do ya hate Papi? Did he steal somethin' from ya?"

          "Did he steal—No. It's really none of your business. I don't hate Papi. It's...complicated." I picked up speed, hoping she would fall back behind me, but she kept pace.

          "Well, I heard ya were planning some big'n. Heard you're going after ta new cloner."

          I don't know where she got her information, unless Papi told her. He's the only other person who knew. I stopped walking and grabbed her shoulders. "Did Papi tell you this?"

          She shrugged, pulling away from me. "I don't knaw. Doesn't really matter. I was just curious haw ya planned ta pull it off is all."

          We'd made our way into a narrow alleyway and I pushed her up against a wall. "Me and Papi are the only ones who know about this job. I don't know what he told you, but I'm telling you to back off, or next time you'll be bobbing in the ocean not swimming in it. Got it?"

          Her eyes grew big. "Hey, man, I was just curious is all. I ain't good enough ta pull a job like that."

          That was obvious. "Well, make sure you keep it that way." I let her go and started back down the alleyway, fists at my sides. She stayed back this time.

          A short way down, I came upon a man warming his hands by a burn barrel. "Please, mister, spare something for the less fortunate?"

          He stretched his hand out and I knocked it away. I stopped and stared him down. "I'm tired of everyone asking. Get your own, beggar." I kicked his barrel over and walked off.

          He shouted after me, "Your selfishness will bring you nothing but pain, you hear! Only misery!"

          I smirked and mumbled under my breath. "Senile old fool." I turned around. Raine was helping the man pick up his barrel. "You coming or not Raine?" I couldn't hear what they were saying. Probably niceties. All she was doing was enabling him. I started toward headquarters once more, not slowing my pace for Raine. Pain and misery? I'm gonna be rich. I'll just buy it off. I heard Raine run up next to me. She didn't say anything, and neither did I.

          Headquarters. Hidden behind the façade of a pawn/antique/mechanic/all in one shop. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Papi was a genius. Still, that didn't mean I would blindly follow his every word like all the other chumps, and that worried Papi. He was threatened by me. Raine and I entered the warehouse-sized store and walked straight to the back. The store was always speckled with normal customers and with "normal" employees. Employees who were part of our little family of thieves that recently failed a heist, broke a vow, or got on Papi's bad side. Nobody wanted to be placed on general store duty. Luckily, I never failed and was too good for Papi to set aside. Raine would be placed in the store soon. I'd see to it.

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