Chapter 1.0: A Special Task

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Important note, please read before the story begins*** This story is meant to resemble the gameplay of Among Us, because of that this story will be taking place in the second person. All other crewmates will be considered as P.C's so they will have they/them pronouns. None crewmates, such as additional or background characters, will be N.P.C's so they will have he/she pronouns.

I am in no way the creator nor a participant in the development of Among Us.

Thank you for reading :)


Among us in the crowd, I see many people, of different races and different cultures.

With the inevitable despair that would befall unto all of mankind, amongst the wealthy, the impoverished, the intelligent, the idiotic, the athletic, or the disabled, in times of crises they have all come together to join hands. Twelve astronauts stood tall and prideful on top of a stage, each of them shouting the colors of the uniforms that they wore. For every shade that was yelled a specific group of supporters would cheer in response, voices screeching their praise in the air.

To us, they were strangers, but to them, we were their saviors...

You looked out into the horizon, your hand covering your face as the sunlight dims down unto you. While staring into the vast sea of people you can spot your younger brother who was squished in by the audience. He wore a replica of your uniform, with the same shade of cherry bright red. You smiled at the way it framed his skinny body and gave him a short wave, to which he smiled back at.

It all feels so unreal.

For all your life you have been waiting for a moment like this to come, the day you could prove to the world that you were not a dangerous threat, the opportunity to show that you could do good in this world, a chance to be finally accepted by others and seen as an equal. This was your dream come true, the fantasy you've always longed for...

...and yet, it has never felt more foreign to me than ever.

There was something about the way the audience smiled at you wherever you went, how desperately the media would try to catch the smallest glimpse of your face, how just your mere presence alone was able to brighten up the atmosphere in almost any room you walked into, it all left you the slightest discomfort in your stomach. You ignore that feeling, however, as the sound of footsteps began to make their way onto the stage.

An old man in Beige clothing approaches the tall podium in the center of the room before. No one decides to mention the awkward few steps he made onto the short step-stool hidden from the audience's view. He cleared his throat, greeted the people of the world, and thanked all those for the sacrifices they made along the way. The entire speech, in summary, was an emotional rollercoaster, one that soothed the heart and sweet-talked almost anyone within a hearing radius. By the end, the crowd was an emotional mess, faces filled with tears of either sadness or joy.

They all knew they were going to die.

They had accepted their fate a long time ago.

The Twelve astronauts march their way off the stage and back into the common room where they came from. Now knowing they were entirely alone their composers burst and they went back to their idle personalities and antics.

Blue was the first to slump in a chair, rolling their shoulders around while popping their neck. "That speech took forever," they said, "I'm so exhausted."

"All you had to do was stand still and wave," Black pointed out while removing their helmet. "It wasn't even that much of a difficult task."

"Standing still and looking pretty ain't as easy as you think it is, y' know?" said the lazy Orange, which caused Lime to scoff.

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